7. Organize your room. | The Odyssey Online
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7 Simple Activities You Can Do To Calm Your Mind

Find your inner zen during a busy school semester.


We all have weeks that are more intense than others. Sometimes our body craves an outlet where we can release the built-up stress. Now, I know it is still the beginning of the semester and you may not have too much on your plate at the moment however one thing you do know is that once school picks up, it really picks up.

As I said before, these next couple of activities are great for keeping your brain sane. If you start making the time for them when you're schedule isn't as jam-packed as it will be later on in the semester, you will create a habit and eventually will make the effort to find the time to partake in these activities once it does. I have personally found that the ones that require creative energy are the most therapeutic. Something to keep in mind is that you don't need to be artistically talented to be creative, it's all about the thought!

Try out these next couple of activities when you feel you need to get away.

1. Paint on canvas.

Wether it's painting a portrait or just splattering on paint and different patterns, the calming state of mind that painting on canvas brings you is absolutely amazing.

2. Reading a book outside.

Just think about it. In your hands is a book, a magazine, even a newspaper and the cool, spring wind is blowing in your hair, you are filling your body with fresh air instead of the air in your tiny apartment bedroom. It's a relaxing time. You are enjoying yourself.

3. Hit the gym.

Put on your favorite playlist and hop on to a spin bike, the elliptical, absolutely any cardio machine in the gym and just listen to your entire playlist while getting your daily dose of exercise in. For those who dread the gym, if you have good music blasting in your ear, you'll completely forget about the fact that you're working out.

4. Journal.

I am an avid fan of journaling. It allows for you to dissect into your own thoughts and expand on your mentality. It's great mental exercise.

5. Doodle with a sharpie.

I know this sounds basic and you're probably wondering why I emphasized doodling with a sharpie, but the way a sharpie goes on to the paper is very relaxing. I'm laughing as I type this, but believe me, it's fun.

6. Do some yoga.

You don't have to be an expert in yoga in order to enjoy it. Start with some breathing exercises and then move your way up the yoga ladder.

7. Organize your room.

Chances are, half of your stress comes from the fact that your room is a mess. Turn on some music, and get organizing. I promise, once your room is in great shape, your mind will be a lot more calm.

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