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12 Activities For The 12 Days Of Christmas If You're Already Over Ice Skating

"Elf" is great until your little cousin insists on a 10th time.

12 Activities For The 12 Days Of Christmas If You're Already Over Ice Skating

The holidays are a lovely time of year, and at the same time sometimes you need a reminder of what makes them so delightful -here is that reminder.

Visit a festive restaurant.

Annie Spratt

If your holidays are anything like mine, food is central to the festivities and trying eclectic, heartwarming restaurants only adds charm. In the Philadelphia area, two restaurants do the warm-glowy holiday season just right in my humble opinion..

Terrain Garden Cafe ($-$$) - one located in Glen Mills, PA and a recent addition in Devon, PA incorporate twinkle lights and plants in such a whimsical manner that you can't help but cozy up with a warm cappuccino or glass of wine (both locations are B.Y.O.B.) and breathe in the divine scent of a constantly-stoked fire. Brunch and dinner reservations are a must during the holiday season.

Walnut Street Cafe ($) - located in University City, the Walnut Street Cafe provides a tasteful menu incorporating both specialty and long-adored dishes with savory delights like brown butter ricotta ravioli and sweet, fragrant french toast alongside warm maple syrup all in a festive-chic setting. Not looking for a big meal? Grab a drink and Kouign Amann (pronounced Queen-ah-mahn) at the sit down coffee-bar instead. Reservations are recommended for sit down meals.

Go to a tree farm and select a tree. 

Jordan Sanchez

One year, my family forgot to water the tree and it shed all of its needles. We dubbed it the "Pennsylvania Bald Fir" and convinced my aunt that it was a special variety of pine.

Have a movie-marathon with movies that aren't overtly "Christmas."


Some great choices are "You've Got Mail" (1998), "While You Were Sleeping" (1995), and "The Cutting Edge" (1992).

Create a unique holiday playlist.

Mark Solarski

Or check out one I developed on Spotify here!

Make homemade hot-cocoa.


Yes, yes, store-bought mixes do the job in a pinch, but nothing beats the real deal with a dollop of fresh whipped cream and a dusting of cocoa powder. Try this simple and delicious recipe by Land-O-Lakes as is for a treat or with half a teaspoon of cayenne for a Mexican-inspired twist!e

Bake Christmas cookies.


Growing up, my best friend and I would spend a whole day baking almond-sugar cookies using our mothers' treasured cookie cutters to decorate with colorful frosting. Just be prepared that you'll want to snag one every time you pass the jar!

Spend time wrapping presents like a boss. 

Karolina Grabowska

My mother worked in high-end department stores when she was younger and learned to wrap presents almost too beautiful to touch and as such has raised the bar in home gift-wrapping. Target has both elegant and quirky paper and ribbon options! (Pro-tip: never tape the paper to your present!)

Eggnog, it's the best. 


Seriously, guys. Go to an actual dairy and buy a glass bottle of eggnog. My grandfather gave me a love for the creamy blend at Calder Dairy in Carleton, MI. It's a must.

Warm up in front of a fireplace.

Ashim D'Silva

. . .or a yule log on your laptop with a space heater for a similar college-student effect.

Take a trip to the ballet to see George Balanchine's "The Nutcracker."


If you live in the Philadelphia area, the Pennsylvania Ballet ($$$) (12/7-12/31) or the Brandywine Ballet ($-$$) (12/7- 12/16) are awesome options. As a former dancer, it is cool to see this classic from "the other side." Be sure to catch the other ballets performed by these companies year-round!

Submerge yourself in a soothing bath. 


Afterwards, try this lotion by L'Occitane ($29). It smells unreal divine and is an absolute luxury for the skin. At higher price point, it might seem unreasonable, but a pea sized amount goes a long way for a pleasant treat.

Curl up in a cozy sweater with a good book.

Karolina Grabowska

I have my eyes on this free-people teddy-bear pullover in Wilde Orchid!

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