According to, an American is sexually assaulted every 109 seconds. Sexual assault can include anything from snide, unwelcoming comments, to full on rape. Sexual assault is a huge problem in America and it tends to be overlooked, until now. If you’ve been on social media lately, you've seen headlines about Brock Turner and how he was released early from prison due to good behavior. Let’s refresh your memory about what happened that led Brock to be incarcerated.
In January, Brock was found raping an unconscious woman outside of a frat house and was facing a ten year prison sentence, but somehow ended up with only six months -- and only ended up serving half of that. Why wasn’t he sentenced to more time? Well, that would affect his swimming career, and gosh, we can’t have that now can we? What would the world do if a rapist was put behind bars and we lost a professional swimmer? Well, it would probably be a better place.
This case not only infuriates me because of how little time he got, but what this shows our society. The fact that this rapist got a lesser sentence because of his academics, sends an image that says “rape is okay if you have a reason to stay out of prison.” This shows college students that they can use their accelerations, whether it be sports or academics, as an excuse. This tells our society that if you have a half-assed excuse, you can get away with rape.
The way the media portrays this story also shows a very negative vibe. FOX news showed a small, 40 second clip of what was going on with the early release, then continued babbling about Trump and Clinton. When large companies brush this off as if it’s nothing, those who follow that company see this as nothing. But rape, rape is something. A huge something.
This case also belittles victims of sexual assault. It shows rape as a small offense, when it leaves deep scars on those affected and their loved ones. It tells them that their sexual assault is less important than their rapists’ futures. A majority of sexual assault cases aren’t even reported, due to the poor example of people like Brock Turner.
America, rape is a huge problem. We keep focusing on Trump’s immigration stance, yet we fail to take proper action against something that is plaguing 1 in 6 people. We need to take action. We need to recall judges like Aaron Persky and demand that rapists get their deserved time. We need to help the victims of sexual assault and let them know that they were not at fault, and help them come forward with their stories. We have to stir the pot and discuss what is going on, or else there will be thousands of Brock Turners -- and we cannot have that.
I want to punch Brock Turner in the face, but I’d end up with more jail time than he did. And that is a HUGE problem.
If you or someone you know is struggling with sexual assault, I urge you to call the following number to get the support you deserve. You are not defined by this assault. You can, and you will, overcome. 1.800.656.4673