I like to write monologues so here is one that I wrote! | The Odyssey Online
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Can You Notice The Real 'Me?' My Monologue

A monologue writen by myself.

Can You Notice The Real 'Me?' My Monologue

Acting, drama, and theatre are big parts of my life and major passions of mine.

I performed in shows all through high school and even continue to take classes theatre classes in college. As a creative outlet, I like to write monologues. I like to write about all aspects: comedy and tragedy. So here is a monologue I wrote and have even performed myself.

Mollie/Dylan: (Depending on the gender of the performer) High school teenager who had a mental breakdown in school and is now forced by her(his) parents to talk to a therapist. She(he) is in the office of Dr. Peters where she(he) is explaining her(his) past- with apprehension.

I lie. I actually lie a lot. (pause) I-I find it easier to live a lie than to actually tell the truth. The more I lie the deeper the hole I'm in gets.

(Deep breath)

I don't know why I do it…lie I mean, I just feel that if people see this made up version of myself, they would like it more than the real me. So, I lie.

(Mollie/Dylan looks around the office tries not to make eye contact)

The bad thing is that somewhere along the line, I started to believe the lies I was telling people. I became those lies and I lost myself in the process. And I don't know if I can come back.

(Finds something very interesting on the floor)

I put so much work into being "Mollie/Dylan". (pause)smile, wave, make a lot of friends, join a lot of clubs, talk to everyone, laugh here and there, and be Happy.

(She(he) slowly breaks)

I was angry, so angry!

(breathing becomes fasters and words are more frantic the more She(he) goes on)

Because no one noticed that it was all an act! I prayed for someone to see through me, to notice my fake exterior. Just so I could finally breathe, finally let go of the fucking façade that was my life! I was desperately wanting an out. I was so emotionally and physically drained, I couldn't do it anymore.

(Deep breath)

So, when I went to lunch on that day, I was over everything and I snapped.

I'm not 100% sure what exactly happened, but I just remember Courtney Evans walking up to me ranting about how Homecoming decorations weren't ready and how the DJ quit and this and that and she wouldn't stop talking! I already had a headache and I couldn't handle her shit at the moment. (pause) I wasn't even listening to what she was saying but it didn't matter…. I already punched her in the face. I didn't mean to, I didn't want to, it just happened. It was like a reflex. As soon as she started crying and screaming is when I realized what I did. I bent down to say I'm sorry but I stopped myself halfway. And then, I stood up and shouted in the cafeteria about how "School is a waste of time", "Everyone here is assholes", "You all could kiss my ass", and a couple of "Fuck you"(s) with my favorite finger as I was walking out.

I found my way out and I'm glad that I did. I don't regret what I did, I mean I'm sorry for punching Courtney, but I'm finally out. So, I'm sorry, but this whole thing (gestures to the whole office) is a waste of fucking time.

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