Lies, deceit, and betrayal. Words no one wants to hear about their partner. It can make some people resent you. Especially, a woman. No one wants to see her anger.
A woman named Melinda (Taraji P. Henson), met a man named Robert. The first time they met, it was a rocky start. Melinda's mother had just passed so she was in the comfort of her two sisters. They inherited the house and the money their mother left them.
There was this battery Robert was working on; it was his dream to have a company invest in it. Melinda helped him financially, through thick and thin. He wasn't financially stable so it seemed he was mooching off her. Of course, like every couple, they fought because they weren't financially stable. Melinda had supported him for his battery and car and it costed her a lot. Her sisters didn't like him because he wasn't doing much.
One day, Melinda caught him cheating. She was enraged, as she should have been. Some people might say, "Melinda should've left him." I agree. But, she did love him so it was hard for her. Finally, they divorced, but Robert finally had a company invest in him and his battery so he was financially stable.
Melinda wasn't angry about him being stable but he was married to a woman he cheated on her with. That made Melinda furious. So, she sought revenge and wouldn't stop. It made her so crazy that she did everything she could to see them suffer. Little did she know, it wasn't them that was suffering. In the end, her mind got the best of her.
I saw this movie with my mother and it is definitely not kid-friendly, hence the R rating. There were quite a few sex scenes. Also, don't watch a sex scene with a parent, I was uncomfortable watching it with her. I didn't realize there even was one.
That's OK though, my mother thought it was a good movie overall, as did I. My mother did say Melinda was crazy for letting him get to her like that; my mother was shaking towards the end. She said, Taraji P. Henson portrayed the role well and her emotions were so angry, you could almost feel it in your body.
Sure, it may seem as if she should've left him. I agree, she should've but when you love someone so much, it can hurt you mentally and emotionally. She was furious because she loved him so much, but he cheated on her. She helped him through thick and thin but after their divorce, she saw how much he was thriving. Especially, with another woman.
Her sisters were right to be worried about her. I was even worried about her.
This movie took a dramatic turn. It can make you anxious because you're not sure what would happen next. To some, it may be perceived as an angry, brokenhearted woman who wanted revenge. She should've gotten out of the relationship when she could and not be so dumb. Love can make you crazy.
Indeed it can. Henson plays this role well and I could not have asked for a better lead. You could feel her anger, especially, just by looking at her. I often wonder, what goes through an actor's head when they play those type of scenes and how they portrayed the emotions so well.
This movie was written, produced, and directed by Tyler Perry. Although I enjoyed the film, I was disappointed in the end because I wanted Melinda to have the justice she wanted.
The moral of the story is, don't stay in a relationship when you see red flags. Also, no lover, or ex-lover, is worth your sanity. Focus on yourself and don't let your mind get the best of you.
This is a movie you can watch in theatres now. I would recommend it if you enjoy movies about revenge.
Rating: 4/5