Interviews can either turn out to be a grueling or rewarding experience depending on the impression one makes. It is vital to know how to ace an interview, so I have gathered some of the best expert’s advice on the top factors that contribute to a successful interview.
1. Research the company.
Upon accepting an interview, you should immediately gather background information on your potential employer. Any successful business or organization will expect you to know specifics about their goals, and how you will fit into the implementation process. This will aid you in answering one of the most difficult questions: why do you want to work here?
2. Rehearse your side of the conversation.
Practice makes perfect. Find time to go over questions with family members, friends, or professors in order to get a better understanding of how you respond extemporaneously. Preparing a list of questions will always make you one step ahead of our competition, because some of the questions you rehearsed might be asked. Although rehearsal is a great tool, make sure that you don’t sound too robotic—be yourself.
3. Know the dress code.
Decide ahead of time what you would like to wear, and make sure it is clean! You want to look professional, well-groomed, and confident. Some jobs require a more casual dress-code, but it is always better to be overdressed than underdressed.
4. Be prepared for your specific type of interview.
There are several types of interviews including single-person, video, phone, group, panel, etc. that require a different approach. Be prepared to know if technology will be involved. In a group interview, make sure you are listening to other candidates’ responses, and communicating through effective use of body language.
5. Remain calm.
Confidence is key. Nerves will always pop-up before any interview, but remember to take deep breaths and walk-in with a positive attitude. Body language is a number one indicator of nervousness, especially fidgeting motions. Remain calm, and know that you know yourself best. Tell yourself that you are the right person for this job.
6. Follow up a couple of weeks after.
Employers have always been disappointed when potential candidates have failed to follow-up with a simple ‘Thank You’ email. It is one of the most professional ways to reiterate your interest in a company or internship, and an opportunity to remind your potential employer of the qualifications you possess.
No matter how intimidating an interview seems, you have to remember that out of hundreds of applicants, you were chosen for an interview! That's already a sure sign that an employer is extremely interested, so you're confidence meter should sky-rocket! The number one thing you need to remember is to be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy.