Are you like many of the other thousands of Americans who enjoy watching your favorite college football teams every Saturday? The parody of college sports is palpable, with huge upsets nearly every week, and a ranking system whose fluctuations cause mass hysteria throughout the sports world after every update in the standings. The system seems so perfect, the fans are happy, the schools are happy, and so are the players, despite being juiced to a pulp still seem somewhat content with the methodology of college sports. So then what's the problem? Oh wait, how about the giant underwhelming clause at the end of the season where only FOUR of the 128 schools competing for the national title actually get a chance to play for the hardware.
Despite the frugality of this system, when dissecting the current playoff system we also have to include how far the playoff system has come. Back in "the good ole days," whoever won the most games during the regular season took home the championship trophy with no title game whatsoever. To combat this, college football decided to create the all powerful BCS (Bowl Championship Series), which included a national title game. But the problem with this system was how can someone choose only two teams at random to compete for the national championship...? When a team wins the national championship game and there are still other schools out there who have literally completed their seasons undefeated how can you say one is actually better than the other? On top of that the mediocrity of the bowl games was ridiculous. Fans would follow their favorite team all season for the chance to watch them blowout some random non-conference team and win the prestigious Orange Sun-Chip Bud Light Geico Rose Bowl Championship Trophy. Because nothing says we aren't taking advantage of our student athletes like a meaningless nationally sponsored bowl game where none of the profits go to the actual participants...
Anyhow, when examining the current college football playoff system we do need to take into account how bad the system used to be, but that still does not make the current system acceptable. Every sports fan knows the greatest time of the year is March Madness, because fans from all over the country get to watch their favorite collegiate basketball teams compete for the title. This is opposed to the college football playoff where there are never upsets because every team is already either undefeated or Alabama, and if you don't live in the deep south and say "Saban Bless You" when someone sneezes, you probably won't have much interest in watching the championship.
So football...take a hint from the elusive and all powerful giant college basketball playoff bracket and add a few more teams...I'm not saying to make Clemson and Alabama play some unranked winless team without a kicker, but why not include 16 teams? How can a team like Iowa or Oklahoma-State go undefeated and not have a chance for the title? Redefining the system is the movement, and it does not start with more Verizon Wireless, Chick-fil-a, Field of Daisies Bowl starts with a real playoff system which will then crown a real and true champion every year. Sorry Saban.