7 Ways On How Sustainability Can Be Achieved By 2030 | The Odyssey Online
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7 Ways On How Sustainability Can Be Achieved By 2030

The statistics say it is entirely possible to achieve these goals.

7 Ways On How Sustainability Can Be Achieved By 2030

By now I assume that many have heard of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) that were set back in 2015. If you haven't well, here's a brief overview. It's a global effort by member nations of the UN to adopt a socio-economic, humanitarian and environmental strategy that would see us become the first generation in the history of humanity to end extreme poverty and hunger. In addition to this, we would also become the first generation to provide clean water and sanitation for all, access to clean energy for all and the first to fully intensify our effort of combating climate change etc. All these things and more by 2030! Seems short right? But the statistics say it is entirely possible to achieve these goals. So how do we do them?

1. Awareness.

Awareness is key.


According to carbon brief, Education is the "single largest predictor" of public awareness on climate change. The most effective way for people to act on a problem is for them to know what caused the problem, how it can be corrected and what they can do to help individually.

Always try to inform, make those around you aware that the problem faced is a shared responsibility for everyone and that by taking that first step towards change they become an example for everyone else to follow.

2. Youth engagement.

UK youth parliament.


It's common logic that the people who will be most affected by climate change should be the ones most informed about it, however, this is not the case in many developing countries whereby most of the world's youth come from. Thus, it can't be stressed enough how important it is to get the youth involved in improving our conditions.

Seeing peace ambassadors like Malala fight for equal education inspires many young girls in conservative societies to try and stand for what's right…so, you can also have a voice and be a change maker.

Youth can inspire ideas never imagined with the simplest of forms of implementation and that's why they need the stage to present their voice.

3. Integrated efforts.

Together we can do it.


One person cannot change the world alone, they need the support of their peers so that they can see out their goals. This is where networking becomes important, making friends with other nationalities, understanding their views on climate change and finding consensus to work together for a project that works for the benefit of the community is a great way to start. When it comes to the United Nations this is called lobbying; getting countries to back your ideas in-order to create an international movement towards achieving a goal e.g. the 17 SDG's. Now at the grassroots level, this comes down to non-profits/NGOs, or special interest groups, even a group of friends- deciding that they want to make a change in the community.

4. Sharing technology and ideas.

technology is key


In-order to enhance the efficiency of a process, technology is needed. The purpose of including better technology in our sustainable practices is to reduce costs, save time, improve accessibility and of course reduce wastage. For example, instead of using old technology to make more plastic, we can use new technology to melt and use recycled plastic for other purposes. This can in turn save millions of dollars. When it comes to waste disposal and saving water, one amazing idea that originated from Sweden, is the invention of the water-less composting toilet (which saves the user the cost of constantly flushing water). Now imagine if there can be a cheaper way to manufacture these toilets and then distribute them to developing nations with sanitation issues. Great idea right?

5. Calls to action.



These are the times when people are given the opportunity to physically act on matters of great social importance like climate change, either through tree-planting initiatives, trash collection, river clean ups or activist marches that alert the government that change is needed. In addition to this social activism for human and animal rights are also popular for example, the Black Lives Matter movement- to address the discriminatory police killings of minorities or the Global March for the Elephants and Rhinos-to address the issue and dangers of poaching wildlife and the sale of ivory. Such acts always leave an impression on the masses and they challenge people to think better, to do better and hopefully the situation WILL be better in the end.

6. Private investment

Funding is crucial.


Living in a largely capitalist world means that we must push our private sector to constantly innovate and offer better disposal methods of waste material. Through lobbying local companies to go green we can make a positive change in our communities. Working with them to create sustainable technology for the long run doubles up as an even bigger accomplishment as it can help the economy if the technology is nationalized. So, it only starts with a bright idea, investors will always be looking to improve and innovate.

7. The power of social media.

Social network presentation.


The power of social media cannot be stressed enough. Social media is becoming, if not already, the biggest source of information and opinions in the world. It is where some of the largest movements are began, where initiatives are brainstormed and more importantly where people can either be misled or be made aware of what's going on around them. So, its not too late to start your own green revolution! Lets change the world one by one, we are the future we want.

Despite many political opinions on this topic, climate change is REAL and its time we upped our sustainable efforts before we lose our planet.

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