It's the new year and many people are making their new year's "resolutions" or goals. This is a time where everyone is super energized and ready to conquer the year ahead but many fall through with their "resolutions" or goals because they're too big or aren't thought out well enough. I've been at a place where I've made goals that I knew were too big and didn't have a plan to achieve them. Here are some tips on how you can achieve your goals for the new year.
1. Set Goals That are Actually Achievable.Â
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There have been many years where I've set goals but they were too big and unrealistic. I would give up because they felt so far out of reach. Over time I've learned to set smaller goals and start there. As a result, I'd start making my way up towards bigger goals.
2. Make a Plan and Be Specific!
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Setting goals are one thing but having a plan is another. Every goal has to have steps needed towards achieving them. Therefore, any goal cannot be achieved without work or effort.
3. Be consistent!
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This is one of the most important tips I can give. Without consistency, goals are harder to achieve because often, we give up when we're not seeing any results or progressing. I've learned that even at times where I want to give up, I need to remain patient because things will work out in due time. Trusting the process is important!
4. Have Discipline.
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Where there is discipline, there is self-control. This can be applied to many goals and goes along with my previous point of consistency. To be consistent you also have to have discipline and drive to want to see your goals become fulfilled.
5. Know your "Why."
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Most people make goals but don't have a reason "why" that gives them the drive to achieve them. I think that having a reason "why," and that reason being something that hits close to home, can help someone in achieving any goal they may have.
What are your new year's goals? How do you plan on achieving them? Everyone's always energized at this time of year because it means the chance of having a fresh start. I think that 2019 will be a great year in so many ways. Happy New Year!