Getting a 4.0 GPA in college is not an easy task. With multiple professors expecting so many different things, and frankly not enough time in the day, it seems next to impossible to get "A’s" in all of the classes you take in a semester.
I’m here to show you that you can, and you will, ace all of your classes this semester! As a 3.9 GPA student myself, I believe I have cracked the code in always getting the coveted "A" grade. With a little help from Michael Scott, getting great grades, (and all the benefits that come with them), is as easy as binge watching all nine seasons of ‘The Office’ on Netflix instead of writing that 10 page paper.
1. Always wake up bright and early for a productive start to your day. Breakfast is a must, for a successful student.
2. Professionalism is key to making a great impression with your professors. Great impression, great grades.3. Never lose confidence! If you believe in your success, it will come into fruition.
5. Ask important questions.
6. Always check the validity of your sources. The easiest way to receive points off on an essay is irrelevant or un-credible sources.
7. Never let outside influences affect your study habits.
8. Pay attention to your professors’ lectures. Professors will not include everything you need to know on the Powerpoint.
9. Expect more than normal, from yourself. If you have the mindset that getting a ‘B’ is okay in your classes, you will most likely end with a ‘B’.
10. Don’t ever take the easy road.
11. Group projects will put you in a tough spot. As a studious person, you will become extremely frustrated at your fellow group members for not putting as much effort into their portion of the project as you. It is okay if you feel the need to take charge, to make sure everything gets done.
12. Looking at test questions and feeling unsure is normal. Take a deep breath, reread the question, and come up with the best possible answer you can.
13. Prepare to study. A lot.14. You might have to study so often, you never go outside. 15. But, never going fun places with your friends does have its perks.
16. Toward the end of the semester, you might feel yourself slacking. Don’t let it ruin your hard work!
17. Invest in a sponge.
18. If you bring a report card with all "A’s" to your automobile insurance agency, you get a discount on your insurance. Use this as a motivator!
If you follow these steps, by the end of the semester you will be looking at an extremely positive grade report! And you will feel satisfied in knowing you made it happen.