It's that time of year again. Classes are in full swing, and somehow we've already learned enough to have a test. At least speaking for me, I definitely have to sit down and get determined to actually put in the work for the outcome I want. So in honor of the reason of the season, here are a few tips and tricks I've picked up to help you ace that upcoming test.
1. Turn the TV off.
No, multitasking while watching your current Netflix binge does not work. Believe me, I've tried it before. You either have to watch a show you don't care about at all, or you'll get engrossed in the show and forget you actually sat down to study.
2. Music may help you though.
Strangely enough though, its been scientifically proven that music can help stimulate your brain to remember whatever you're trying to memorize even better. Personally, I range all over the genre charts, it just depends what I'm feeling the particular day. One specific thing I have noticed, though, is to stick with that genre every time you study that subject. Like if you're listening to rock, stick with it all through your study periods. If you're listening to acoustics, stick with that.
3. Use the read-and-treat method.
Yes, this is possibly the weirdest thing ever, but if you're a foodie or love snacking and find that as your distraction, try this. As your reading, you put a gummy bear (for example) on various sections throughout the spread. If you have self control, this will help keep you motivated to keep reading even if it's just to get that delicious gummy bear.
4. Kick the caffeine in high gear, if that's your thing.
One of the unhealthier options, but boy does it work. If I have a huge exam, I'll normally have a strong cup of coffee sitting next to me. It keeps me focused, and actually a little obsessive, on my studying. This paired with music keeps me in the zone for hours on end. Even still, make sure to drink lots of water when you're finished, otherwise you'll feel like you're having a heart attack and that's not as fun.
I cannot stress this enough, I've been an avid Quizlet user for about 6 years, and it has constantly saved my life. It makes memorization much faster and easier, especially if you've got a high vocabulary term test.
6. Chew gum while you're memorizing.
Most people already know this one, but if you don't, chewing a particular flavor of gum while you're studying has been scientifically proven to help your brain function and retention. So pull out whatever you like; mint if you're normal, or maybe those weird dessert flavors if that's your thing.
7. Believe that you can actually ace it.
Most importantly of all, you've got to believe in yourself. Speaking personally, tests can really get to you. If you keep doubting yourself, you're going to psych yourself out for the test and start second guessing. If you're doubting yourself enough, send a quick email to your professor, or maybe request to meet to go over what you're learning. That's their job, they're happy to help. So save yourself and your grade, believe that you can do this, because you definitely can.