This semester I am a freshman taking 21 credits. Many people seem to think that’s a little bit crazy. It is six weeks into the semester, though, and I have finally adjusted to my schedule. I am almost always busy with homework assignments and reading. This week alone I had four tests. I spend a lot of my time studying, but I still manage to have some fun. For all of you high achievers out there, taking a heavy course load is definitely doable. You just need to develop a few time management strategies.
When scheduling classes, keep in mind that you will need time to do homework. My classes are concentrated on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. That gives me some time on Tuesdays and Thursdays to work on assignments. Maybe for you, careful scheduling means choosing early classes so you can work in the afternoons or vice versa. Whatever strategy you use, be mindful about it.
Of course, that isn’t the most helpful advice six weeks into the semester. Now you are stuck with the classes you chose and it is too late to withdraw. The work comes in waves. Some weeks you probably feel like you are drowning and others you are doing fine. That’s normal. Consider trying to get ahead during the rare weeks or weekends when you don’t have too many assignments to work on. Catch up on your readings or go back over your notes.
Prioritize assignments based on how many points they are worth relative to your overall grade and when they are due. Make a list of essential tasks to complete and then a secondary list of things that would be nice to accomplish, but it wouldn’t be a tragedy if you don’t get around to them. Once you have completed the essential tasks move on to the secondary ones knowing that you have accomplished what is the best use of your time.
If you are working on a tough assignment or reading a long challenging text, sometimes taking short breaks can improve your efficiency. If you are like me, you tend to try to power through and only end up exhausting and frustrating yourself. That doesn’t accomplish anything. Plan a set amount of time to work and then take a 15-minute break. I work for an hour then make a drink and a snack and relax a bit before returning to my assignments.
It is important to give yourself breaks. It is okay to take a day to do something for yourself when you don’t have a lot to do. Self-care is important. Rest while you can and try to enjoy yourself because otherwise the nerves will build up and you will have a breakdown when things get tough. Make sure to plan time for something you enjoy like an extracurricular or a walk into town. You will find yourself refreshed and energized when you allow yourself to decompress. While it may be challenging to take on so much course work, it is rewarding and makes my free time even more meaningful.