A (Relatively Accurate) Timeline Of Bid Day | The Odyssey Online
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A (Relatively Accurate) Timeline Of Bid Day

It's the best day of the year.

A (Relatively Accurate) Timeline Of Bid Day

Bid day—the “Christmas of sorority life.” The day where dreams come true, the day where you meet your best friends and the day where you find your home for the next four years. It is the day where you find your forever family.

That being said, it is also one of the most hectic, crazy days of the year. You are going, going, going, nonstop, all day, from sunrise to sunset. It’s the longest day ever, yet it somehow goes by in the blink of an eye.

Whether you’re a PNM going through recruitment (good luck!) or a senior active, bid day is nearly here, and you’ve got to be prepared.

7 a.m. – Wake up. Realize it’s bid day. Celebrate. Repeat steps two and three.

This is literally the greatest day of my life to date.

7:15 a.m. – Begin doing hair and makeup. It needs to withstand the extreme heat and humidity all day.

Unsure if anyone will even know I curled my hair in an hour from now, but it’s worth a shot.

8:45 a.m. – Finish getting dressed, reminisce about all of the memories up until this point.

I remember when I was a PNM...

9 a.m. – Make your way down to sorority row!

Making my way downtown, walking fast, faces pass and I'm homebound!

9:30 p.m. – The PNM’s arrive at the stadium. Things are heating up.

This is really happening. I think.


More waiting.

Literally the longest wait of your life while you wait for PNM’s to open their bids.

10 a.m. – PNM’s open their bids. It is happening!

It's actually happening!

10:10 a.m. – PNM’S running. Everywhere. It is actually happening!

This should probably be considered the eighth natural wonder of the world.

10:15 a.m. – Frantically looking for your new BFF as she arrives at her new home. Where is she?!

Can’t wait to officially call you mine.

10:16 a.m. – I found my sister friend!

Together forever.

10:30 a.m. – After pictures and cheering, brunch is served at your sorority house. These past few weeks were so worth it.

The world should know how amazing this day is.

11:00 a.m. – Showing sister friend around the house, introducing her to every sister you know, meeting new sister friends, it never really ends.

You get a sister, you get a sister, you get a sister. Everybody gets a sister!

Early afternoon- Bye baby (insert sorority mascot here)! See you in two days!

Now the real party begins.

Happy bid day to all of the incoming potential new members! May rush treat you well and these next few years even better!

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