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Accounts Of The Atlas

Bar etiquette.

Accounts Of The Atlas
TimeOut - Los Angeles

21 has always been a number that sticks out when it pertains to growing up. When you’re 21, you feel as if your access to the world has been expanded in a great way. Perhaps one of the biggest features you come across when turning 21 is your ability to enter bars and clubs since you are now of legal age to purchase and consume alcoholic beverages. As you enter bars you notice many differences within the atmosphere. Perhaps you run across a bar that’s well known for the gathering of people to view sports. Maybe it’s a bar that’s known for the pool halls that they contain. It could even be a bar at a popular dance club that is bumping with heavy bass, illuminating with flashing strobe and laser lights, and portraying your typical “night scene” with both the youth and the experienced. However, despite the differences every bar has these key components: entertainment, a bartender or bartenders, and huge selection of drinks at their disposal. The bar experience should be a good one for you as a guest but this all depends on how you act and behave within this social setting. Within this article is a couple of tips that can help to make your bar experience a satisfying one.

Research. There are many types of bars that exist in the world and not every bar may have the same vibe. Some bars may be heavily crowded and may be the place for you if you’re into meeting new people and being social. Some bars are low key, off the grid, and are good for solitude and peace. Sports bars for sports and bars at clubs to dance and socialize, you name it. Before trying out a bar for the first time, you may wish to ask around and do a little digging for information regarding the bar of your interest. Website reviews can come in handy as well as your typical “word of mouth”. During my visit to New Orleans, both resources became handy when it came to finding a bar that was popular on the college scene as well as the appropriate time to visit in order to socialize with local peers of my age group. When going to these bars, definitely take note of the atmosphere and allow it to register for future references.

Appropriate attire. Remember, bars are a social setting so if you want your socializing experience to be a fun one, dress appropriately. Casual wear is commonplace in most bars, but there are those that tend to show out depending on the occasion. I’m definitely no exception to that. There are also times that employees from various companies attend bars in their work attire to catch a relief from their busy day, this is also commonplace and generally accepted by the public. There are even clubs that have certain dress code policies so it’s imperative to be knowledgeable of these policies prior to your visit, hence the importance of research.

Have a game plan. No one knows yourself more than you do. You are very aware of your limitations and what you can handle. You should also have a good idea of your finances and what you are willing to spend. Have a budget planned for how much you wish to spend at a bar and do your best stick with said budget, this should include the amount of how much you wish to tip your bartender (the importance of this will be explained later). For budgeting purposes, drinks are often priced in the following order: non-alcoholic drinks (cheapest), domestic beers, import beers, house wines, well drinks, call drinks, premium drinks, super premium drinks (most expensive). Planning how much you plan to drink is helpful as well and it shouldn’t be overboard. Drinking responsibly is important to not only the safety of yourself, but the safety of others. When with company, the assignment of a designated driver will help with safety. With the entertainment that the bar provides, know your options and have an idea of whether or not you plan to utilize the entertainment. It could even be something as simple as watching TV. I, myself, sometimes will bring a book to enjoy should the entertainment at the establishment not appeal to me.

Appropriate behavior. Going out to a bar should consist of good vibes and happiness. However, I can’t tell you the number of times that such an environment is disrupted due to a fight breaking out or when someone is behaving inappropriately due to them being highly intoxicated. Knowing your limits plays a big role in all this. If intoxicated, avoid demonstrating rude or obnoxious behavior towards the patrons, bartender/s, and especially the bouncer. Stick close to your company or, if alone, isolate yourself and use either opportunity to sober up. When sober or functioning in a moderate way, you may run across someone who behaves in obnoxious ways. It’s best to find the company he/she is with and inform them of his/her behavior so they can handle it and avoid a situation from occurring. Should this prove ineffective, informing a bouncer is another solution that could avoid a disaster. When amongst company, it’s important to be aware of where your company is. It’s also important to step up should any of your company be the cause of any trouble within the establishment. Being that it’s an establishment for 21 and up, maturity is essential.

Mind the bartender. Your bartender is the only thing standing between you and enjoying a beverage, so it’s imperative that the bartender is treated with respect and understanding. During the busy days, keep in mind that you are among many that want a drink and that he/she is only one person. Everyone is fighting for the bartender’s attention like you are. Patience is crucial during these times and can prove beneficial to you when everyone else around you isn’t demonstrating it. Despite busy hours of a bartender, there are certain ways to place yourself in top priority. Tipping becomes essential during this period. When you tip the bartender very well, they become aware of your contribution and will keep an extra eye out for you in order to make sure that you’re well taken care of during your stay at the establishment. Even if it’s not a large tip, a decent tip will assure you more convenient service upon your next visit as opposed to everyone that doesn’t tip, not to mention it’s just common courtesy.Becoming a regular also helps with priority, as you have established a positive connection between yourself and the bartender. Aside from serving beverages, a bartender often talks with the clientele in order to keep the business friendly and rolling. Sometimes they may even talk to you regarding your problems. However, it isn’t wise to load them with drama on a consistent basis as it not only brings a negative vibe for the bar, it’s something that they really don’t have the time or patience for. Once again, maturity is essential when conversing with a bartender. No bartender wishes to babysit their patron nor deal with their foolishness and rude behavior. Asking for prices of a particular drink is okay but refrain from asking about all the prices. It slows down the productivity of the bartender and it makes you look stupid. And under no circumstances should you fall asleep at the bar counter as it could cause the bartender to get into serious trouble with management for serving irresponsibly.

Calling it a night. This is pretty straightforward; simply call your tab and sign off on your receipt. It is always important to keep up with your credit/debit card. There have been cases when leaving your card at the bar will result in your card being charged a certain amount. When leaving, make sure that you’re sober to drive or call for your designated driver to assist you. Unless it’s private property and prohibited, leaving your car there for the night and having a friend drop you off is another option. Taxis are also open to consideration as well as the modern usage of Uber. By personal experience, both have proven very useful and enjoyable after a long night. If you arrived with company, be aware of the condition of said company upon leaving and make certain of their safe return home. With all these tips in mind, your bar experience is sure to be a good one so as long as you carry yourself well and drink responsibly.

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