"New year, new me." We've all said it. We've all been determined to start a new chapter of our lives on the right foot. But, how many of us actually accomplish our new years resolutions? Here are some tips to make sure you're keeping up with your new goals!
1. Be realistic
Choose something that is attainable. If you choose to set a goal like "I want to lose 50 pounds this year" but you know you do not have the time to go to the gym as much as you should, do not set this goal. Setting such a high goal will only end up discouraging you from making any progress towards achieving it.
2. Set a date
Having an open ended goal leaves room for you to continually push it off. Set a goal date. If you want to lose 10 pounds, give yourself 3 months to do so. This way, you are determined to achieve this on time.
3. Set smaller sub goals
Losing fifty pounds doesn't just happen. You need to set smaller goals so it is much more attainable. Instead of just thinking about losing x amount of pounds, set the goal of being able to run for 2 miles and then changing your diet. Sub goals will lead you to your end goal faster!
4. Be specific
An arbitrary goal will not get you anywhere. "I want to lose weight." "I want to do better in school." "I want to save money." This leaves open room to be falling short of would be sufficient enough to claim to have achieved that. Being specific will abet in making those smaller sub goals and being realistic.
5. Make it measurable
Choose a goal that you can keep track of. While being nicer to be people is a great goal, it is easier to accomplish and stick to goals that you can see develop over time. Losing weight or saving money is extremely easy to monitor.