Winter is over, which means seasonal depression is canceled. Over the past two weeks, I've watched my campus literally spring to life with renewed momentum. I've found myself and my friends more inspired, excited and motivated than we have been in months. It's amazing what the first warm days of the year can do for one's mood, but the next five weeks? That's a different story.
As the semester draws to a close and the summer-fever sets in, so many people will be "just trying to get through exams," putting things off, or moving things to the back burner. This means if you put in a little extra effort while in the home stretch, you can set yourself up well. So well.
Don't add a ton of extra work to an already packed schedule, but be efficient and intentional. Pick one goal that's particularly meaningful to you, and challenge yourself to meet it now. That might mean turning in a stellar project, running for a leadership position for next semester, or submitting one last internship application. You can't do it all, but even amidst the commotion of finals, formals, and move-out day, you can do something.
Just like you would for class, your friends, and workout, you can make time for personal progress. Schedule a time to work towards your goal, whether it's every day for 20 minutes or every three days for 60 minutes. Enlist your friends and mentors to work with you. What advice could be helpful? What support do you need? Pitch your idea, and you might be surprised at who's willing to lend a hand.
Even when it seems like you're the only one still working, take pride in your achievements. You can get a tan later because now is your moment to hustle with heart.