I am a procrastinator. I practically procrastinate everything I do. I even procrastinated while I wrote this article.
I excel at procrastination; it definitely is one of my strong suits. It is not easy to excel as a procrastinator, it comes with years and years of practice while you dodge responsibilities and work. With this prestigious title of "elite procrastinator" that I hold, I have come to note the stages of being a procrastinator. Here is an all access pass to the mind of an avid procrastinator.
It starts with the assignment of work.
Work is assigned or responsibility is given. You shrug it off, thinking you have plenty of time to work on it between now and the due date. Now is not the time to get ahead of yourself with work, but rather time to watch Netflix instead.
A little more work is assigned...
You begin to panic a little, realizing you have more responsibility than you originally intended. But have no fear, you still have PLENTY of time to get your work done, just not at this moment.
Realization that you need to begin your work...
The panic attack becomes real after you realize how much you need to do. Time to get to work! But actually, let me just check Facebook really quickly, and then watch that new YouTube video. Oh, and while I am at it, let me stalk my friend's friend's cousin's friend on Instagram! Waaaaaait...... what am I doing?!?!? I was supposed to be doing work!!! Just panicking a little!!!
All assignments due tomorrow...
Ok, now it is seriously time to get to work!!! No procrastinating this time!!! I have so much to do, now entering panic mode!!
Start doing the work...
Wow, I wrote my name and header for my essay, I am making so much progress. Maybe I can take a quick little break to reward myself for all of the work I have just done!! Let me just get a quick snack, check all of my social media accounts, and then start writing in my group chat about some new gossip I just heard!
An hour later...
No! No! No! How did an hour just go by?!?! I told myself not to procrastinate!!! I NEED to get back to work now. I refuse to take anymore breaks until I am done with anything. Now entering panic mode!!!!!!
Panic Mode...
It is time to crack down and get everything done. I need to eliminate all of the distractions around me. I can do this; I'll get all of this work done. No one bother me until I am done with this work!
Hours full of procrastination and a little bit of work later...![]()
I am so proud of myself for finally getting through all of this work. I knew I could do it. I am tired though, time for a nap! Can't wait to procrastinate a lot until the next due dates!