I'm the type of person that growing up I would pick my appearance, personality, and social life apart. I would fall into comparing myself with other people, especially through social media. Who had more followers? Who wore the nicest clothes? Who was dating the boy everyone wanted?
I would post something on social media only to find someone looked better in their picture or had more likes than me. Only recently has that switch flipped. I started questioning why I cared so much. Logically in my mind, I knew that social media did not reflect a person's everyday life; It only enhanced small experiences through photoshop and filters. Illogically, however, I believed that people woke up looking this gorgeous every day, that their relationships were perfect, that they were having the times of their lives, and that I, in turn, was inadequate.
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So how did I wake up from my illogical state? Not easily, that's for sure, and I can only explain it as a sort of final realization and acceptance that while I feel inadequate everyone else posting also feels the same. Maybe not to me but to someone else. So what is inadequacy measured by? Ourselves and the way we are feeling at the moment? I found that a little unreliable since I, myself had many changing emotions and opinions. So shouldn't inadequacy be tossed to the curve if it is only based off of our sinful and jealous emotions? I think so.
I said goodbye to feeling inadequate and just being me. I've accepted my social media status as being the girl who is just me. Who isn't looking to compare or make myself and life look better than someone else's? I just want to be.