As we grow up and move to different stages of our lives, we learn more about ourselves. We make mistakes that we intend to learn from. Although that may not always be the case but in some cases, it takes only a few more mistakes to learn. Individuals constantly walk in and out of our lives. Sometimes we try to keep those people in our lives so that we are not "alone" or we do not want to accept the fact that that person possibly does not want to be in our life's anymore. That is heart breaking, truly. We have the mindset that some of those individuals were going to remain in our lives for a long period of time. So when they walk away we automatically think that we did something wrong. Well guess what? You have done nothing wrong. Look at it in a positive way, do not dwell on those who were never meant to be.
I have come to realize that lesson so much in the last few months. The number of people, friends and family that I had in my life had significantly decreased. At first, I did not know how to go forward without these people in my life. I relied on those individuals and right there was my mistake. I had not realized how much I had depended on others until I began to see people walk out of my life.
I relied on them for acceptance towards the actions I took in my life. I wanted to try to fix what possibly could have caused them to stop contacting me or wanting to hang out. Then finally a light bulb clicked, I realized I truly did not need those people. They were never meant to be in my life because if they were they would have remained in my life. I began to realize that me, myself, and I madean amazing team. I began to become more and more grateful for those few people that stayed in my life but independence is incredible. I have learned to take advantage of opportunities and to not allow other people's opinions to affect me as much. I have began to make decisions for myself instead of thinking what this or that person would think of it. I am doing everything I am doing for myself now. I am truly happier. So when I reach my goals I can say I did it for myself and proved all those who doubted me and walked away that I could do what they said I could not.
“Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice."
― Steve Jobs