Sometimes it comes to us in the short hours of the night or over the extent of days. It can creep upon us as a lion does its prey, waiting in the weeds for us to be hit when we least expect it. And sometimes we choose to ignore the inevitable and turn the other way at the mere thought that change is coming. As humans, we tend to take comfort in our routines. We walk the same path day in and day out without looking back, only focusing on the set goals we intend to achieve. Few of us are truly accepting to the idea that our lives can be thrown into turmoil within seconds, and most of us fear that powerless feeling, left in our souls, when something unexpected occurs. The concept of change doesn't have to be seen in this way.
When I was little, the thought that something in my life could or would change terrified me to the core. From the color of my room (it was yellow for fourteen years) to the food I order, I have been set in my ways. To this day, I am not the most accepting person when a change in my plans occurs. I am pleased to say, I have gotten much better at understanding when change is needed. When I found out that my best friend would be moving across the country, I selfishly was displeased. I asked why I was being left and why life was being this cruel to me. But, you see, those are not the right questions to be asked. People can not live their lives based on the happiness of others but of themselves. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if I hate the fact she is moving. Her happiness matters most and her feelings about the change will affect the outcome of her life. Sometimes the things we need the most are the things we love the least.
So many of us live in fear of the unknown. I don't know where I will be in ten minutes or ten years, but I pray every day that I will take change in stride. I would rather be the lion in my life than the prey.