Self-love is the best form of love! In order to lead a healthy and happy life, it is imperative that you accept your shortcomings in a positive way and not be too hard on yourself. You shouldn't plan on always competing with others and trying to portray yourself in the best light possible. Sometimes, it is perfectly alright to not be the "best" in everything! The byzantine trajectory of life has managed to teach me this valuable ideology.
Honestly, I have always been very competitive throughout my life and still am at times. Whether it be in academics or extracurricular activities, I have always strived to be the best. However, my competitive nature has managed to tone down to quite a huge extent. I'm actually proud of my current level of competitiveness because it has expanded my horizons and made me realize that there can be beauty in imperfection.
As a child who has been raised to believe in achieving the nectar of perfection and excellence, she has finally begun to embrace the thought of imperfection arising due to uncontrollable situations. As we all know, life isn't always going to resemble a bed of roses. There will be some limitations, obstacles, and defeat along the way. But, it should not hit you massively hard that you forget to indulge in some self-love.
Loving yourself despite experiencing some imperfections speaks volumes about how true you are to yourself. In fact, blaming yourself for failing at a certain task or not living up to your true potential does not benefit you at all. I can say from experience that all it does is damage your self-confidence and further increase the probability of faltering in other facets of life. Every person exhibits perfections and imperfections in their daily lives but learning to embrace the undefined elegance of the imperfections is a major tour de force on its own. In other words, you do not have to be the best actress, singer, engineer, or lawyer to be perfect. Society's definition of perfection is utterly overrated and cliche most of the time.
According to Merriam-Webster, perfection is defined as "an exemplification of supreme excellence and an unsurpassable degree of accuracy or excellence." First of all, "perfection" is rigorously defined and set to significantly high standards. Second, such an extreme angle could potentially prove to be detrimental towards a person's happiness and their innate narcissism.To reiterate, you shouldn't fall prey towards anyone's expectations when it comes to reaching the stereotypical level of perfection. After all, you are the only judge behind what it means to be "perfect" in the true sense. Instead of giving too much weight on the archetypal definition of "perfection," focus on the intricate delicacies of life which can revolve around imperfection as well. Keep in mind that perfection which is hailed as a virtue can also sting you as a vice. Hence, look forward to introducing yourself to the undefined allure of imperfection!