If someone told me five months ago that I was about to have a boyfriend again I would have laughed (very hard) in their face. Ha. Me? In another relationship? Boyfriend? Commitment? Arguments? Hell no. You can say I had suffered from just a little bit of PTSD after what I went through. When I got out of an unhappy long distance relationship, all I wanted was freedom to do what I want, hang out with my best friends and to ultimately be myself again.
When someone comes along when you least expect it, do not be afraid. Accept it. Everything happens for a reason. Opening yourself up to someone after being hurt takes a lot of courage. I realized that I started to break down the walls I put up I before met you. I didn’t want to feel vulnerable or look stupid ever again. I never wanted to put myself in a position to be hurt.
But I instantly found myself telling you my favorite shows on Netflix, my pet peeves, getting butterflies whenever you texted me, asking you for advice and of course telling you my amazing jokes. I started to look forward to hanging out with you every day. That’s when I realized that I had to just let things be. With you, I am not scared to show you who I am. The better I got to know you over the few short weeks before winter break you became the person I wanted to tell everything to. You became the person that I wanted to hang out every day with.
If it weren’t for you I would still be walking around every day as if I didn’t care about anything. I realized that I didn’t have to put on this “I don’t care about anything or anyone” act anymore. I knew I finally met a person I could tell everything to without feeling judged or questioned.
I just want to say thank you for everything you have done for me over the past five months. Meeting you has been the most refreshing feeling that I have felt in a very long time. You have treated me like nothing less than a princess. I want you to know that I have endless appreciation for everything you do for me and I am excited about everything there is to come. Thank you for putting up with me when I am being stubborn, ranting or in a bad mood. You deserve a lot of credit for that.
You came into my life when I expected it at the least. You turned it around in the most amazing ways. I love the fact that I now have someone to share my happiness with. Ever since I met you I am now more accepting of other things that happen to me. I realize that there will never be “right time” for anything. But, I did realize that there is always a right time to share your happiness and love with someone who truly cares for you.