We all know the feeling. You had something fairly important to do, but you forgot. You totally spaced it out until you were either rushing to finish it on time, or you were already completely late. (If I’m late, I usually fall into the second category.) It's not something that anybody wants to do, but it is going to happen to everyone. I personally get very upset with myself when this happens because I am not only making myself look bad, I am also quite likely hindering those I work with from doing what they need to on time. While I am still quite bad at this myself--I miss deadlines, appointment times, due dates--I can make some suggestions that have made me a bit better at being less late (sometimes).
1. Have reminders
Writing down everything that needs to be done by a certain time/day in a notebook or on a phone can be super helpful. Having something that dings when the event is approaching can also be good for a gentle push to do whatever it is that needs to be done.
2. Seriously, like, so many reminders
If the thing is important, make the reminder impossible to ignore. It can be helpful to have reminders on multiple electronics, just so you will see it no matter where you are or what you're doing.
3. Don’t ignore said reminders
This is what gets me in trouble most often. Sure, I have an alarm that tells me when I need to start writing something, or when a bill needs to be paid, but do I do it as soon as the alarm goes off? Noooo (insert me rolling my eyes at myself). If I did, would never be late with anything. But I do, and then I have to face the consequences. So please, don’t ignore the reminders past you made for future you.
4. Get on a schedule
Having a normalized schedule makes it easy to remember things you have to do., especially if you have schoolwork. Set up a time every day when you work on school work. That way, no matter what it is you have to do, there is time. This is the perfect opportunity to go over the list you made of everything you have to do and get to work on the assignments due first.
5. Priorities
This is another one I have a lot of trouble with. There are times when I just push the work I have to do to the back burner so I can handle other important activities. Like sleep. Or spend time with friends. This kind of relates to the idea of getting on a schedule because if you know you have time cut out for working every day at a specific time, you simply don’t make plans at that time. And don’t try to do work in bed if you know you have small willpower and will just take a nap (looking at you, me).
6. Priorities pt. 2
Not only do you (read: I) need to prioritize work over other activities, it is also important to learn which things on the to-do list need priority. Work, for example, that when late can affect other people negatively, has to be high priority. Something with a loose deadline can wait.
This last suggestion isn’t a tip for not being late, but a tip for dealing with what to do if (and when!) you are late with something.
7. Take responsibility
So you messed up, that’s a bummer. But it’s also okay. Take a deep breath, apologize to whoever it affects, get your work done, and if it is a recurring responsibility, prepare for the next one so you aren’t late again.