In my first blog post, I discussed the last chapter of stress that I wanted to come to a close. While closure is hard, it has allowed me to learn much about the life I want to live and the more toxic one I would like to leave behind. My blog posts will be centered on three of the most important things to me: fitness, health, and the outdoors.
I remember about four years ago I decided I wanted to change my fitness and health for good. I ate too many processed foods and did not get the appropriate amount of exercise I needed. Three years into it, I had become far too obsessed with looks and wanting to be the best, that I had forgotten the meaning of what fitness is truly about. I know that most of our world does the same, but I want to encourage you to look otherwise.
This year, amidst the hustle and stress life threw at me, I had hardly any time to focus on fitness at the level I used to. My nutrition was good but I started becoming more of a “carbaholic” and eating, sometimes, out of stress. It was hard for me to accept the little bit of weight I had gained and have more of a little jiggle in some areas that I was not used to. For anyone going through this, I understand. We critique our bodies so much to the point of exhaustion at times. It is easy to find the flaws, but it is even more important for each of us to find the beauty in ourselves. In order to do this, we must step outside of our comfort zones and be willing to try new things.
I forced myself to understand the meaning of balance. I stopped restricting myself to certain foods and I started eating to the 80/20 rule, meaning I eat nutrient dense foods eighty percent of the time and foods like donuts and pizza twenty percent of the time. I learned to have quicker, effective workouts and to not waste all of my time working out because life is too short to regret not hanging out with family or friends because of spending too much time in the weight room.
It is so easy to compare yourself to everyone out there and tell yourself you are not enough. I urge you not to fall into that trap. You will always be enough—look into your inner beauty and you will find it. I experienced a moment of awe of myself in the gym not too long ago. I looked at the girl who had mentally gone through so much. I put down my weights and decided it was time to go heavier. It can be scary to pick up new weights and step outside your comfort zone, but in doing this I showed myself how STRONG I had become. I inspired myself that day because I felt strong and powerful. So maybe my pants size went up a bit? But the happiness and joy I now possess in life went up a lot more than I would have ever thought.
If you ever feel as if your self-worth is based on your looks, I urge you to look deeper—you are made of SO much more. Embrace every single thing about yourself and live a life of balance because you will find that, in the end, there is so much happiness waiting for you.