As a lifelong Star Wars fan, I am proud to be part of this universe and hope you enjoy this list of what you need to know about Star Wars fanatics!
1. It is not a fad, it is a lifestyle.
2. We are slightly bitter, but mostly excited that the Star Wars enterprise has regained popularity
3. Our childhoods were surrounded by Star Wars
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4. We have very strong opinions
5. Including who shot first
6. Which order to watch the first 6 movies in
7. And the character, Jar Jar
8. We own more Star Wars shirts than you have shirts total
9. We FREAK out when any new trailers are released
10. We get annoyed when simple names like Leia get mispronounced
11. We have thought of getting/have gotten a Star Wars themed tattoo
12. Our phone wallpapers, cases, and ringtones reflect our loyalty
13. We seriously debate which side we are on
14. We wish we could own our own real blasters and lightsabers
15. Most of us dream of going to Celebration
16. We will spend hours and hours reading canon books
17. Carrie Fisher’s death was mourned across our fandom
18. Our fandom is more than a group of complete nerds, we are a family!
Star Wars fans: Did I nail it? Would you have added anything?
Non-Star Wars fans: Did you learn anything new?
Let me know in the comments below :)