I was blessed to know what I wanted to be when I grew up from a very young age. While my kindergarten classmates were ninjas and zombies during our Halloween class party, my mom had to search high and low for a SWAT costume. I wanted to be in law enforcement, and by 8th grade, not only did I know that, but I also knew what I wanted my major to be. However, through the first year of my college career, I had a dozen friends switch their major, and a dozen more who were unsatisfied with their current major, but had no idea what to switch to. I realized I was lucky, and probably in the minority, when it came to knowing what I wanted to do with my life. So I compiled a researched list of majors,that I believe you folks who have no idea what you’re meant to do after college can use to figure out life. P.s. I tried to stay away from STEM (science tech engineering math) majors, because those are obvious money makers but aren't for everyone. (Mostly me)
1. Psychology
Just because this is my major does not mean I am impartial to it. Even though I so am. Who isn't interested in finally understanding people and what the heck is going through some of these people's minds? It is a fulfilling degree, that has a wide range of jobs and allows you to feel like you're helping society. Oh, and you can make a decent living, so win-win.
2. Business
This is an extremely versatile degree, meaning many different fields are in need of business majors. Think of it this way, every business, institution, sports team, government, and industry, are ran like a business, hence the need for those business majors. With all of the opportunities with this degree, you basically choose if you are poor or not, according to what career path you take, so you can only blame yourself.
3. Real Estate
This is almost taking the easy way out. Not saying that it is a super easy degree, but come on people. Unless you're a 100% antisocial, who doesn't want to lead people to their dream home, and rip them off for 15% in the process? The fact is, many people who are entry level in this field do not have a degree pertaining to real estate, giving you a leg up in a career that isn't exactly the path less traveled. It's fun, gives you a sense of fulfillment, and lines your pockets. Boom, you're welcome.
4. Health Science
I said tried to stay away from STEM, not that I was able to. The fact is, this is the ultimate degree for those students who like the medical field, but have no idea which way they want to go in the vast field of medicine. To compensate for that, a degree in health science is a good start to getting on the path to most medical careers. Don't like people, but love animals? Be a vet. Animals scare you but babies are too darn cute? Be a neonatal nurse. Hate everyone? Work on research cadavers. Everyone can find a place.
5. Communication
This is going to help you in more than just finding a job, although this is a good, generally needed everywhere degree, much like a business major. This will help you in relationships, and in everyday tasks through life. Even better, it will help you sound a lot smarter than you actually are.
Honorable mention
If I was just reading this article, I'd probably skip this one, mostly because I'm near incompetent in mathematics. However, if you're even decent in math, consider this major. Seriously, engineering owns approximately 90 percent of the 20 highest paid occupations. Top of the list is petroleum engineering. Just food for thought.
The truth is, no one can give you a secret equation to finding your perfect major, not even those online “What's your dream job” surveys. (Shocker) You just have to follow your instinct and look at the bigger picture. Above all, the best advice is this: Do what will meet your desired quality of life, and ultimately, what will make you happy.