A women's right to choose has been heavily debated by MEN for years. Men have been deciding what is right or wrong for women's reproductive rights. Men have set the guidelines on when we can get an abortion and what's considered a viable reason for getting an abortion. It makes complete sense. Once again the topic of abortion has been in the hands of male bill makers, who are planning on enforcing dangerous and inhumane restrictions on abortion.
Alabama, along with a slew of other conservative states are passing anti-abortion bills, which will make it exceedingly difficult for women to receive an abortion. Alabama, in particular, has passed what is considered the "most restrictive abortion law" in the United States. The bill basically bans abortion for any reason except for when the health of the mother and fetus are at stake. Rape and incest victims are offered no protection by these laws. Doctors will be prosecuted for giving women abortions, facing up to 99 years in prison for providing one.
Georgia is planning on passing a "heartbeat bill," which will prohibit abortions as early up to six weeks. Most women don't even know they're pregnant until a missed period. This can be weeks after conception. Pregnancy tests are most accurate after a missed period. Six weeks becomes more like one to two weeks for women to make a decision about what they want to do with their body. Women are being forced to make a quick decision that is life-changing.
These anti-abortion laws don't save lives. Instead of this country progressing forward, this country is seemingly turning back time and going back to a more regressive period in history. Women are being punished for enjoying their sexual liberty. Women are being forced to carry out pregnancies. Let's face the reality of this situation. These lawmakers don't care about an unborn fetus. They don't care about how "immoral" or "godless" abortions are considered. They care about controlling women and instilling fear in women.
To the lawmakers that are planning on implementing extremely strict abortion laws, I ask them, "Why?" Why must women suffer because of the decisions men are making? Why must the decision of what I can or cannot be done to my own body be dictated by men? Why is an unborn fetuses' life put over the lives of women? Are women not human too? Are we just vesicles that are supposed to pump babies out whether we want to or not? Is that all women are in the eyes of those lawmakers who supposedly value the lives of children but will support gun rights and anti-immigration laws? Are our bodies just objects meant to be governed by men?