I want to start off by saying that everyone can have their own opinion, that's your right. Whether you want to speak your opinion or not it's your right to have those opinions. Usually, I wouldn't make a public stance on a political issue, but it's very hard not to when someone asks if you're going to transfer schools because the state you go to school just passed a law saying you can't get an abortion.
It's very hard not to when what I was taught as a young girl doesn't apply anymore because of new laws.
Growing up I was taught that no one's opinion about your body matter, just yours. Whether you were fat or skinny it didn't matter what anyone else says only how you think of yourself. I was taught that my body is my own. No one can take that away from me. No one can take away the power to decide what I want to do with my own body. And no one can take away the power to make decisions for me.
This is the way every young girl should be raised.
My generation has taught that as girls we have the right to our body. Whether we want to dress a certain way, the way we eat, if we want to get piercings or if we want to work out. What we want to do with our body is our right. Whether my parents wanted me to get a tattoo or not I have a say on what I put on my body. Whether the world sees me as fat or skinny I have the right to call myself beautiful. That with the way social media is advancing it doesn't matter what you or the next person look like it matters how you see yourself. That you have control over what you want to do with your body.
No one can ever how to live your life or how to control your body.
You don't see a law that says someone can't smoke? You don't see a law that says someone can't drink? Smoking and alcoholism can kill someone just as abortion kills a baby. A pregnant lady drinking or smoking can harm a child with deficits for their whole life. So, what makes abortion different?
Why is the power to make a decision that impacts your life and no one else's different?
Who are you to tell a 14-year-old girl that she has to give birth to a child when she isn't even old enough to drive yet? A 14-year-old girl doesn't even know who she wants to be let alone if she wants to have kids.
A law like this doesn't give her a choice.
A girl has the choice whether to eat healthily or to work out or to get that belly button piercing or to get that tattoo, but she doesn't have the choice to have a baby or not? Yes, I would agree that some people use abortions to get out of the responsibilities of being a parent but taking that choice away from someone is taking away their life.
To take away someone's choice to have a baby you are taking away their life.
The nine months of an excruciating pregnancy, just to go through an even more excruciating birth for a child that they didn't even want. Then how is the child going to feel? When they grow up to just find out that they were a mistake or a product of rape or that they just weren't wanted by their own parents. That's pain that no one should have to go through for the child and the mother. Especially for someone who ended up pregnant after being rape you are forcing this person to live through that terrifying experience for the next nine months.
She should be given a choice.
So, to the men and women that think it's OK to take away this choice from someone how would you feel if your great-great-granddaughter ever got raped and got pregnant would you want her to have to go through the torture, pain, and heartbreak of carrying a rapists baby to term and then having that kid come to the terms that he/she was a product of a crime.
Our body is a temple. A temple that we have control of. Is that not what you want your granddaughter to believe? Is that not how young girls should be raised? It's how I was raised, is my body not mine anymore?