As Simone Weil once said, "the mere fact that they exist today is not itself a sufficient reason for us to preserve them".
Political parties are ingrained in cultures all throughout the world and provide a label that encompasses large groups of similar ideas. In theory, this sounds like it would provide a safe space for people to discuss and share ideas, whilst safeguarding support if ever needed -- and history has proven that they can provide this.
Yet, as politics become increasingly polarized and act as an identity that people use to justify who they are, I have found that political parties have become a societal crutch to prevent new ways of thinking.
In summation, people find an idea that they relate to and agree with, and therefore decide that they belong to whichever party aligns with this same belief.
This results in people taking on other identities that they don't have an opinion on, and nonetheless continuously vote in this direction. For instance, you can ask a generic question, like someone's opinion of guns' place in society, or their stance on illegal immigration, and from their answer be able to deduce at least five other beliefs they may claim as their own.
This mob mentality allows for inactivity in politics throughout the general population. Once people register to vote or identify with a party, they no longer need to find their own information and lose political awareness and their own way of thinking.
Now envision a scenario in which every candidate must just present themselves and their own beliefs instead of a party name. These candidates would be allowed to preach whatever speaks to them, without the national committee's formidable gaze keeping them in line with the parties image.
Immediately the beneficial repercussions would show: no straight ticket voting, less single-issue voters, and more interest in the candidate's message.
Overall, I believe that if plausible to accomplish, politics would see a new light of day and be able to work with the population to secure a promising and representative system.