And I'm lost again….
But why are there never paper towels in the community bathroom?
Can you have a mid-life crisis at 18?
Drunk people. Lots and lots of drunk people.
Empty rooms...wait, people are already dropping out???
Face breaking out. Is it from all the dessert or the stress?
Golf, school, and clubs, do I really have time for it all?
How am I supposed to get down from this bed without hurting myself?
I don't know anyone here.
Just forget about quiet hours, they apparently don't exist.
Kainotophobia-fear of change.
Late nights...doing homework...totally not watching a movie.
Making sure you have snacks for every occasion and mood.
Naps. All the naps.
Oh sh-! I have class in 5 minutes!
Please let there be good food for lunch.
Questioning whether I should drop out and work at McDonalds for the rest of my life.
Required activities until 11pm during Week of Welcome?! Why can't I just go to bed????
So much debt. Lots and lots of debt...
This class is killing my soul...and it's only the second day.
Um, did you say free????
Very loud people next door.
What is sleep?
Xtra sketchy washing machines. Why must they flood every use?
You best believe I'm procrastinating homework for Netflix.
Zipping across campus because you only have 10 minutes between classes.