With move-in day right around the corner I can't help but write about my favorite college. Here's an alphabet of the most basic things you need to know if you're a Wright State Raider!
WXY & Z... Now you know your ABC's, it's time to learn the Wright State ABC's.
A is for Allyn Hall
Home of the Hangar.
B is for Boonshoft
The reason why half the student body is at Wright State, our school of medicine. It's kind of a big deal.
B is also for B.A.R.T.
The big a**, big artsy red thing in the middle of campus that we all love to joke about.
C is for the C-store
Home of the $9 pack of Oreos, also the best place to blow leftover swipes for the week.
D is for debate
We can't wait to host the debate! Just kidding, we dropped out!
D is also for Dunbar
The best place on campus to stay up 'till 3 am, with Starbucks in hand, alongside hundreds of other students all cramming for exams.
E is for exercise
To combat the freshman 15 there is a rec center located in Honors and the Union!
F is for Fairborn
But it's just easier to say Wright State is in Dayton.
G is for the Guardian
The statue outside of Starbucks and our school newspaper!
H for Hopkins
The MAN at Wright State.
H is also for Hangar
Arguably the best place on campus to eat, Pizza Hut, The Den, and the weekend buffet.
I is for Intramural sports
Watching your friends play or playing yourself, it's a perfect study break.
J is for Jamba Juice
The only place on campus where a small drink is one whole swipe!
K is for Knowledge
All the knowledge you will gain during your time at Wright State.
L is for Lake Campus
Located in Celina, OH.
M is for Meal Swipes
$6.50 meals that are the main cause of the freshman 15.
N is for Nutter Center
The place to catch all the basketball games, guest speakers and concerts.
O is for One-Eyed Jacks
The closest bar to campus that is even sketchier than it's name.
P is for parking
I could write an entire article on this issue alone, @wrightstate don't sell more permits than you have parking spaces, I'm tired of parking at Meijer.
Q is for Quizlet
Saving history and anatomy students' grades all year long.
R is for resident assistant
S/O to my freshman year RA! You rock, Joy!
R is also for Rowdy!
Our mascot Rowdy the Raider!
S is for Starbucks
God bless this beautiful coffee shop in the library that fuels all study sessions.
T is for tuition
One of the lowest in the state. (Yet somehow I'm still broke..)
U is for underground tunnels
The biggest life savor on a rainy day. Now if only we could build tunnels to our dorms.
V is for Vinny's
Cousin Vinny's to be exact. The best/cheapest pizza place with like 20 locations surrounding Dayton. They also deliver for free and stay open 'til 3 a.m.
W is for the Wright Brothers.
For the name and the second logo of the Wright Brothers Flyer.
X can be for Xi
To represent greek life at Wright State.
Y is for Yik-Yak
Probably the greatest/funniest app to have on campus.
Z is for Zip Code
45324, home.