Have you ever wanted to summarize OU but couldn't fully encompass it? Well, here are twenty-six words, each a letter of the alphabet, that should explain what OU is like to a foreigner.
A. Athens
Ironically, we start this list with the city where everything happens, 'Athens Happens.'
B. Beer Olympics
The best 'Olympics' of them all.
C. Cheese Curds
I was going to put Court St. for this one, but cheese curds are too good.
D. Duane Nellis
The President of Ohio University. Fun fact: his name is actually Marvin.
E. Escalator
You're broken half the time but we still love you.
F. Financial Crisis
Really, who is in charge of the money?
G. Greek Life
Or with respect to this past year, lack thereof.
H. Hocking River
The beach of Athens (actually though, it's so pretty when it's not flooding).
I. [Ohio University] Inn
If you don't stay here at least once in four years, you haven't lived.
J. Jefferson Hall
The place you either lived at or envied others for living at.
K. Kaitlin Bennett
A girl who had no business coming to our college and said how we "rioted" against her.
L. Learning Communities
You probably hated it at the moment but ended up meeting your best friends in that class.
M. Miami
Don't even get me started.
N. New South
Either as competitive or more competitive than trying to get into Jeff.
O. Orientation
It was lowkey unnecessarily stressful.
P. 'Pizza Talk'
If you know, you know.
Q. Qualtrics
No, I don't want to take this survey.
R. Rufus
When you realize "Lynx Rufus" is the proper term for a bobcat.
S. Shivley
Rest in peace, your food wasn't good anyway.
T. 'The Shack'
If you know, you know.
U. Uptown
I see this place in my dreams.
V. Voinovich
It's a good opportunity.
W. West Virginia
Why not drive there for Chickfila?
X. eXtra close
Has a bond like no other college, don't @ me.
Y. Yearly tuition (OHIO Guarantee)
Z. Z-score
I feel like even if you didn't take PSY 2110 at this point you know about concepts like z-scores.
Well, there you have it. An alphabetic way to sum up life at Ohio University. Go Bobcats!