A is for Alligators
B is for beaches
Florida is surrounded by beaches! If you live close to the coast, the beach is no more than 20 minutes from you.
C is for Castillo de San Marcos Fort
Located in Saint Augustine, Florida, the Castillo de San Marcos was built in 1695 and still resides in the same spot to this day!
D is for Disney World
Home to the famous Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse!
E is for Epcot
Just another branch off of "the happiest place on Earth!" Plus, a great chance to travel around the world without leaving Florida!
F is for Flagler College
A tiny liberal arts college located in Saint Augustine, Florida. Home to the Saints and many surfers who reside here at Flagler.
G is for Gainesville
Gainsville is home to about 127,000 people and is most known for the location of the University of Florida! Home to the Gators!
H is for humid
Humidity is the worst. You start sweating the second you step outside in the middle of July. Florida would not be Florida without all the unnecessary humidity!
I is for Islands of Adventures
A fun little park that branches off from Universal Studios. Who doesn't love their mini "Cat In The Hat" land?
J is for Jacksonville
Located in the north part of Florida, Jacksonville is home to about 800,000 people, famous for the Jacksonville Jaguars and home to the University of North Florida!
K is for Key West
The farthest part of Florida and the best place to go snorkeling.
L is for Legoland
Home to the largest collection of Lego pieces. Eat your heart out, kids!
M is for Manatees
Manatees are very gentle sea creatures. You can usually find manatees in salt water or sometimes even in salt water canals! Remember boaters, go slow when you see a manatee sign!
N is for Naples
Naples is located on the southwest side of Florida. Naples is a very popular tourist attraction and home to Barron Collier High School!
O is for Oranges
On every license plate that represents Florida, you'll see an orange. An orange is Florida's fruit and only the best oranges come from sunny Florida.
P is for Publix
Most famous for their "pub subs," Publix is a local supermarket that is only exclusive to southern states like Florida, Georgia, and even Tennessee.
Q is for Quaint Little Towns
Florida is filled with some cute, little quaint towns. Some of those towns include Saint Augustine, Tarpon Springs, and Clearwater Beach. All of those towns are fairly small, but definitely all worth the visit!
R is for Red Ants
Or more known as fire ants. These little suckers will bite you if you step on their home, so encounter at your own risk!
S is for Springs
Florida is filled with springs. There's Juniper Springs, Alexander Springs, Blue Springs and even this awesome place called Devil's Den, which is a natural spring!
T is for Tampa
Tampa is where the University of South Florida is located. Tampa is also famous for their theme park, Busch Gardens!
U is for University of Florida
One of the most popular colleges in Florida is the University of Florida. With over one hundred majors to offer, UF is home to the Gators.
V is for Vacationers
Florida is one of the hottest tourist attractions. Many people from around the world come to Florida just for Disney World and Miami. Many college kids make their way to the sunshine state. Florida will always be filled with tourists.
W is for Wet n' Wild
Wet n' Wild is located in Orlando, Florida and is considered America's first water park. Have fun at Wet n' Wild on their slides and giant wave pool!
X is for Animal (X)ings
When you get out into the rural parts of Florida, you come across many animal crossing signs. Riding through Florida, I've seen bear crossing signs, deer crossing signs and some people even put up gator crossing signs for humor.
Y is for Yachts
Florida is home to many retirees and their hefty pensions. Within Florida, there are many yachts and yacht owners. Florida also has many yacht clubs all over the state.
Z is for Zoos
Within Florida, there are many different zoos. Some include the Central Florida Zoo and Botanical gardens, the Jacksonville Zoo, Naples Zoo, and Miami Zoo. We even have a zoo dedicated to alligators, called the Saint Augustine Alligator Farm! So if you ever find yourself in Florida and are looking for something to do, consider checking out a zoo!