A is for Aroma
B is for Bamba
And you thought Cheese puffs were the best of the best, meet the snack champ.
C is for Challah
D is for Dead Sea
Everyone says they float. You see pictures of people floating. But trust me, you won't believe it until you're there, floating!!!
E is for Eilat
With it's boardwalk and boat rides, Eilat is a magical city in Israel unlike any other.
F is for Falafel
G is for Golan Heights
H is for Hebrew
Even if you go to Israel and can't speak a word of it, you'll pick up on a handful of common sayings and words while you're there. In just a few days you'll be saying "toda" (thank you) and "s'leecha" (excuse me) like you've been living there your whole life!
I is for IDF
The Israeli Defense Force. The army of soldiers that protects and serves Israel with love and dedication every day. Anywhere you go in Israel, you'll see soldiers. Not only are they strong and brave, but they are also kind and friendly. Israel's mandatory draft brings 18 year olds into the army for two to three years, depending on gender. These people are wise beyond their years, and just talking to them is an experience you'll never regret or forget.
J is for Jerusalem
K is for Kehillat-Kadoshah
Jewish Community, something that is filled with love and pride.
L is for Love
M is for Masada
N is for Negev Desert
Spend a night in the Beduin Tents in the Negev desert. Never in your life will you see a sky with more shooting stars or a more beautiful sunrise.
O is for Old City
In Jerusalem, Old City is the home of the holiest cites of the Jewish people.
P is for Pop Rock Chocolate
Q is for Quality
Everything, from the food to the people, the owners of shops in markets and tour guides, everything about the country is top notch!!
R is for Red Sea
Right between Israel and Jordan, the Red Sea is absolutely beautiful (and very fun to go snorkeling in!)
S is for Shuk
T is for Tzfat
Looking for an opal hamsa necklace? Bracelet? Earrings? This is your spot!
U is for Unleavened Bread
V is for Vivacious
Nowhere else in the world will you find a country with as much pep in their step as you will find in Israel.
W is for Western Wall
X is for eXcitement
Because what's more exciting than being in Israel?! The place of your people, this country is simply amazing.
Y is for Yad Vashem
There aren't words to explain what it's like walking through this museum. Unlike any other museum dedicated to the memorial and remembrance of the holocaust, this museum literally walks you through the horrors and suffering of those in the holocaust.
Z is for Zikaron
As in Yom Zikaron, Israeli Memorial Day. Parties and parades in the street, Israeli flags draped over balconies and shoulders, it's a celebration unlike any other.