I've never been a fan of flying. The first time I rode on a plane, I was taking a trip to Pennsylvania with my family, and I was so nervous, I was crying and shaking the entire flight. At 22, those fears haven't gone away. I still cry leading up to the flight, my chest is still tight the entire duration, it just never gets easier for me.
So here I am, flying back to Florida to visit my family. Same tears, same chest pains, same fears. People always say, "it gets easier the more you fly," but for me, it never seems to. Every time I fly, we land and I reach my destination safely. I know it always turns out okay, but every time, I ask myself, "what if this is the time it doesn't?"
I cling to fear instead because in that moment, it's what I know, and it's easier.
How often do we do this with the Lord?
We cling to fear instead of safety and peace the Lord places right in front of us - Jesus. Something happens in life; schoolwork piles up, we lose our job, we receive a diagnosis, we experience fear.
As I sit on the plane watching Parks and Recreation (my favorite show, guys), I looked out the window and began to talk to God.
"God, I need to hear You speak into my fear."
I overlooked the city below, and since it's 8:30PM on this flight, the darkness below is illuminated with the lights of whatever town we're flying over. I saw how far the lights went, how much ground we were covering, and how quickly we were. Then this phrase came into my mind.
"Carrie, I'm bigger than all of this."
Okay God. Bigger than my fear? Yes.
What about my crazy schoolwork load? Yes.
Graduation? Yes.
Fear of flying? Yes.
Anything I see from up here? Yes.
Oh. That's big.
It's easy to forget how big God is. We board the plane of fear, cling to the armrests, tense our shoulders, and tighten our seatbelt. But God says rest.
Why is that? Why is it that the second we face a trial we tense up out of fear?
If I was sitting on the street that the plane is flying over right now, all I'd see is a few street lamps, a couple other cars, the usual things you see on a road. That's all. But 30,000 feet give you a little perspective (cue the Ben Rector song now). You see it all.
Scripture tells us He is seated above us. So why do we fear on the little street?
"The Lord has established his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over all." Psalm 103:19
Jesus sees the whole picture. I don't. Not yet, at least.
A couple years ago, I was rejected from my school's education program, so I couldn't move forward in classes for my undergrad (which is elementary education). I tensed, I cried, I screamed, and I feared. Little did I know, the Lord was opening doors for my writing; women's ministries. It took time to see it, but when I saw the Lord's provision, I grew embarrassed.
"Oh," as I wiped my tears, "I get it now."
What if I had saved my energy?
What if I was diligent?
What if I stopped crying and said, "okay, I trust You," instead of fearing?
It's easy to yell and complain and cry. It's hard to surrender. There comes a time we need to let go of the armrest and rest in the promise that Jesus is safe.
Friends, maybe you're living in fear. Maybe life is taking off and things are happening that terrify you. You know God has been faithful before, but you're convincing yourself that this could be the time He isn't.
But that's the thing with God. It's never a question of when He's going to fail, because He never will. His provision is coming, ready to blossom, ready to flourish, but we have to be brave and trusting in the harvest.
As you come face to face with fear, stare it down, say bring it on, because there is a God standing behind you that's already on your side.
There is no fear you will encounter in which God is not big enough. He's bigger than any fear, trial, or situation you face.
It's time to let go of the armrests and rest in the arms of Jesus. Rest in the security of His love. Rest in knowing He is bigger than any fear we face.
"For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." 2 Timothy 1:7
"So we can confidently say, 'The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?'” Hebrews 13:6
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9