Imagine a world where everyone was blind. There would be no way to judge or discriminate against someone based on how they look. You would have no way of knowing if your neighbors were disabled. You wouldn't know if they were a different race or nationality than you. You wouldn't know how different they are. Would you still treat them the same as if you could see them?
The human mind has a natural tendency to differentiate things that are different from what we are used to; we can't help it. However, we do have control over how we treat those that are different.
It's not instinct to treat people like they're less. Some things are instinct, some are taught. Unfortunately, we are a society that teaches people about hate.
Most of our hate comes from simply looking at a person. We see someone that has different qualities than us, and we focus more on that and less on the kind of person they actually are.
Now again, imagine we were all blind. What would we use to differentiate people? We can't separate based on looks, so what other choice do we have?
Simple. We focus on the kind of character they are. Do they treat people with respect? Are they willing to lend a hand if need be? Do they seem like the kind of person who would judge you? They could look the exact opposite of you. They could look like someone you would consider a "freak". You would never know. Because that's not what matters.
But in reality, we aren't blind. We see only what we want to see. We want to see everyone as less, and we go so far as to insulting those different.
The only thing we're blind to is the way our words and actions harm others. We ignore the struggles people may be going through and instead think only what we want to think about them. We avoid trying to find a solution to the world's problems and only focus on what we consider is a problem for ourselves.
We all know discrimination is still a serious issue yet we have no plans to do something about it.