Amongst the faces in a crowded room, there are distinct groups that can be seen. Recognizable to all and labeled by everyone around, in each group, there is a leader. There is someone still different from the rest. Someone no one can ever stop thinking and gawking at.
In the first corner, there is a popular girl. She is the starlet. She is the girl that most others want to be. They want her sleek blonde hair and blue eyes. They want the attention that her spot on the cheerleading squad brings. This is her normal.
In the second corner, there is a studious boy. He is quiet. He enjoys observation rather than having a conversation. He studies and pushes his mental abilities to the limit. He is often found in the library, scribbling Calculus notes and only half-listening to his friends talking about the new Sci-Fi Thriller coming out that weekend. This is his normal.
In the third corner, there is a varsity star. He is envied by the weaker and fawned over. He spends most Fridays under the bright lights. He trains himself to be strong and superior. This is his normal.
In the fourth corner, there is a girl with no big quality or asset. She is nothing special. She does not have a trait that stands from the rest. She is boring and dull in the eyes of her peers. This is her normal.
On the exterior, the four corners are different. Each one will seemingly never be able to understand the other. There are too many variations in appearances and pastimes and conversation pieces when viewed by the blind eye. There is a stigma for each person, a common stereotype.
We fail to realize that despite outward appearances, we all endure emotions.
You don't need to be popular or a nerd or a jock or an average person to not feel or be the same. You can be sad or happy or mad about anything. Emotions don't need to be targeted at the same event or object or person for them to be just as intense as someone different. We are all connected in the end by the way we feel and the way we experience. We all have our breaking points and the aspects of life that make our hearts soar. Our differences give us an aura of variation and intrigue, but we are all the same underneath the makeup and glasses and letterman jackets. We can feel the pain of others. We can be someone's shoulder to cry on. We can bring sunshine to cloudy days.
As we go through life, we judge. We deem others to be slow or stuck up or boring. We never consider, however, that everyone is human. Everyone is experiencing life quickly, all at once, and without a break. We all live and remember and feel. We are the same on the inside even if the outside is vastly different.