Gilmore Girls is a 2000 comedy show that is known for it's mother/daughter bond and fast paced humor. It also has a lot of incredibly relatable moments. Especially moments that are relatable to college students. Here are 10 moments where Gilmore Girls showed a relatable Thanksgiving Break.
Finally coming home for Thanksgiving Break
We bring a lot of stuff because apparently even though it is break; we still have a lot of projects to finish up. We also often save our laundry for the free washer and dryer at our parents house.
Realizing you have multiple Thanksgivings in one day
A lot of families have multiple sides to them or have a "friendsgiving" to go to as well. Most of the time, it is scheduled in the same day.
But you also realize you can totally do it
In the end, it's all about the game plan. You think of each dinners and what is always cooked there and then you stick to your favorites. Of course, this is easier said than done because we all have that one family member that tries to get you to eat more.
It's the day of thanksgiving and the first thing you need is coffee...
It's Thanksgiving Day and the main thing you need to keep you going is coffee and maybe a small breakfast depending on what time your dinner starts. But most importantly COFFEE!
And then you attempt to cook your share of the Thanksgiving dinner
Some people have a cooking gift but other people don't. So, Thanksgiving is not our strong suit because it is all about the food. I wish you luck on your Thanksgiving creations and I hope you don't burn whatever you are cooking.
Sometimes we will run into bad food
There is always something you will try and don't like but you know how much effort was put into it, so, you don't want to make it visibly noticeable that you don't like it.
During your dinner there is always that one family member who brings drama into the conversation...
Whether it is political drama or family drama/gossip, there is always one family member who will bring it up and cause a controversy. You either ignore it, argue or just come up with a witty comment that'll throw them off.
That moment when you realize the true history behind Thanksgiving...
Thanksgiving is now a time to give thanks and spend time with family but the history of it was very washed over to make it sound clean for kids to learn in school. So, when you think about the true history, it makes you question celebrating the holiday. I mean don't even get me started on Christopher Columbus Day.
And then after being thankful...we go shopping
Then after we are done with being thankful for the things we do have, we go crazy shopping for the things we don't have. Weird right? However, if you don't take it too seriously, it can be fun. Some people will go early and get a breakfast before and some people will stay up for a night of shopping.
Unfortunately, we have to go back to school at the end of break
After Thanksgiving Break comes the real stress in college. We pretty much come back to finals, projects and the stress of passing our classes. Good luck!
Make sure to add to your list of things to do this break- watch a Gilmore Girls Thanksgiving special! Have a great Thanksgiving and spend it with the people that matter most to you.
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