If you're like me and quickly fall into isolation and a terrible sleeping schedule due to the slightest change, it's okay. Do not force yourself to do more than you can handle. Staying indoors and away from your loved ones can be deteriorating to some people's mental health. It also takes away a lot of physical activity that many people rely on to get them out of bed in the morning.
If you're out of a job, working from home, or even still commuting to work, this is an extremely stressful time for all of us. It is important above all else to check in with yourself during these times.
If you are used to getting up early, try to set an alarm so you can keep your schedule; even if it means getting up and walking around the house for a little. If you started staying up late every night like me, try to let yourself get some sleep in the morning but try to not linger in bed. Staying in bed all day can make you overtired and drowsy which makes it hard to complete even the smallest of tasks.
One of the things I like to do to try and stay productive is making lists of the things I want to complete that day, or for the rest of the week. Even if you don't get to them all, crossing off some of those activities proves that you are staying active even for a little bit.
Do not put yourself down for not being as active as all the people you see posting on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You do not need to write a book, learn a new language, or build a spaceship if you are not up to it. Do what makes you happy and what makes you relax.
I hope you are all staying safe during these times. Above all, take care of yourself and your loved ones. Do what makes you happy.