Dear Lord,
I thank you for the life that you have allowed me to live. I thank you for the people that you have put into my life and the experiences and lessons that I have endured.
Thank you for allowing me to grow with You and through You every single day, and I pray that I always surrender myself to You each and every day. May I always live my life according to You. May others always see Christ through me in everything I do.
I pray that I know You are always with me and allow for myself to always choose Your will and Your plan over whatever else comes before me. I pray that You allow me to see the plan You have laid out for my life, and I spend each day pursuing the person You want me to become.
I pray that I always trust You fully. I pray that I am able to pray and talk to You when I feel as if I am struggling, overwhelmed, or just feel like giving up. I pray that when hard times come, I do not question You or "why me", but rather, "what's the purpose" and "what's this supposed to teach me".
I pray that no matter where I am at with my path of life, I have people who love Christ surrounding me, helping me through whatever I need, and me doing the same for them. I pray that my connections with people are built through You and not worldly desires.
I pray that You use me each and every day to help bring a little bit of You into someone's life, no matter how small the action is or the little bit of conversation that I have with them. I pray that You use me to share Your Word and Your love.
I pray that You allow me to be the best mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend, and anything else that I become. I pray that I love unconditionally and forgive wholeheartedly every time. I pray that I do not hold things against people, and I pray that I never use people's pain or faults against them.
I pray that I always help my children, husband, grandkids, and others pursue their life with Christ. I pray that I am a Christian influence for them. I pray that together, we all grow closer to You and each other.
I pray that each day, no matter how hard, I take time and give it all to You. I pray that every single day, I bow my head in prayer to You and give thanks for the life that I am living.
I pray that no matter where I am at within my walk of life that I never become complacent with where I am or my relationship with You. May I always have the passion to pursue You further. May I never allow anything or anyone to disrupt my relationship with You.
I pray for guidance, love, and the ability to see good in every single day.
In Jesus' name, I pray.