Let's face it, it's easy to get overwhelmed by homework, friends, work, extracurriculars, and so many other things that demand our attention. It can be easy to fall into patterns of complaining or just going through the motions. Sometimes we forget that life is a gift. Instead of complaining about all of these things we have to do, we should actually consider it a privilege.
Negativity feeds off of negativity. Are the people in your life complaining about things? It can be hard to break the pattern of negativity, but a reminder of the blessings and the small silver linings can lift the spirit. In situations where people are often complaining or talking negatively about others, I try to catch myself and remove myself from the situation. Of course, still hang out with your friends, just be sure that you're having a positive impact on them or else negativity will be the go-to subject in your friendship.
I like to plan out my week and have things throughout the week that I have to look forward to. I do this to try to break the monotony of school work and the high intensity of stress from studying. Plan on getting coffee with a friend, go to your youth group or go on a run. Whatever alleviates stress and keeps the negative thoughts at bay.
Test week is a time where negativity often clouds our life. Sometimes feelings of inadequacy and thoughts of doubt creep in and disarm our confidence that we had just started to gain. Don't let those thoughts tell you that you can't do it. You've got this! Study and do your very best. That is all anyone can ask of you. You are not going to be the best at everything you do, just make sure you are the best you can be. Try not to beat yourself down for stupid mistakes or poor grades. Comparing yourself to others is a path that only leads to negative thoughts. Instead, set personal academic, social, spiritual and physical goals for yourself. Be competitive with yourself and not others. This can help you have a positive outlook on life.
Also, consider what a blessing it is to be able to go to college and learn more about a subject that you want to pursue as a career. Not everyone is able to do this and we should be grateful rather than complaining. Plus, we are paying a lot of money to be at college. Why pay so much money to go to a place that you don't even want to be at? Take time to notice the flowers blooming, the birds singing, and the wonderful diversity on campus. What a blessing!
So, is the cup half full or half empty? Either way, there is water in the cup and it is your outlook on life that makes the difference.