A Poem About Racism And Equality: I See You | The Odyssey Online
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A Poem About Racism And Equality: I See You

"No man is above the law, and no man is below it." - Theodore Roosevelt

A Poem About Racism And Equality: I See You

You say racism does not exist and maybe you're White like me

But I know it exists and it is not history

There is news of a man name George killed for an innocent crime

He said he could not breathe through his tears and cries

A lady called the cop on a black man in the park

He asked her to put the leash on her dog which left the lady quite a mark

She threatened to call the cops on a black man who was polite

Which he clearly did nothing right in plain sight

Another woman followed a Black man into the place that is his home

She questioned him like she owned the place instead of just leaving him alone

He was in his own apartment building minding his own time

She wanted to see if he was a threat but he committed no crime

Remember the Central Park Five that convicted five innocent men?

For raping and a harming a woman they were accused of back then

They spend years in jail for a crime they did not do

And now they can't get that time back to do things that they wanted to pursue

When will the hate and racism end in the world we live in today

It seems history repeats itself and just keeps coming our way

I am a White female and I wish I can understand

But sometimes I truly can't because I am not a Black woman or man

But what I will say is I see you and I know this racism has to stop

Equality needs to be spread and the hate crimes need to drop

The crimes should not even be around and should actually disappear

But how is this possible when racism occurs which causes Black individuals to live in fear?

They riot out of fear and anger cause they are mad

And truthfully I don't blame them because many of these hate crimes are sad

So to those in pain and in need of comfort, hope, and love

I wish that for you and all of the world's kindness above

I am sorry as a system we failed you for equality, end racism, and inclusion

The world can sometimes seem like a scary blur full of confusion

But I truly hope things get better and these days seem less hateful and blue

I just wanted to say again I am sorry for failing you and I see you

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