When you're in college, trying to make ends meet, or simply just need a job quick, working retail can seem like the one easiest of the solutions. Jobs in retail are readily available and you don't need to have insane qualifications to get the job. Working in retail can definitely have its perks: you have the opportunity to meet some incredible people, you get real work experience, and deal first hand with all types of situations.
There can also be quite a lot of downsides you experience first-hand when you work in retail and the number one downside can most definitely be the customers you work with.
Working in this industry, it's obvious that you're going to be dealing with a lot of different types of people first hand; that's a given. However, nothing can ruin a day quite like a run in with particularly nasty people. Out of all of the customers we interact with on a day to day basis, a tiny percent will exhibit even the slightest of attitude, but all it takes is that one person to completely ruin the rest of your shift and potentially your day.
I feel the need to write this because there are some people out there who only see a uniform and treat the person in the uniform as nothing more than an object.
Many of us who work in retail, work there because we have to. Not many people choose to work in that industry just because they are short on things to do and let me tell you, after years of working in that industry, I cannot wait to get out.
I have met some incredible people and interacted with many, great, pleasant, friendly customers and I have also been faced with some people who simply treated me like garbage. Once, I had a mother whisper to her child that if she didn't apply for colleges and get an education, she would end up like me, working for practically nothing. At the time, I was a full-time college student practically working full time as well. I still am a full-time college student, but I will always be faced with that one person who is convinced I lack intelligence because why else would I be working here?
There are so many wonderful people who work in this industry and they are doing everything they can to make sure you are happy and that you leave that store completely satisfied. It's what we get paid for.
Of course, I'm joking.
Many of us do take pride in what we do and have been on the other side of that counter many times and have been equally as frustrated. So, when we are faced with people who belittle us and speak to us as if we are two-year-olds, it makes us feel degraded. Whether we chose to work where we do, or it's a necessity, we don't deserve to be belittled for simply doing our jobs because I promise you, that is all we are trying to do. There are even those of us that will go that extra mile for you because we've been there.
So, please, please treat everyone with kindness. No matter how stressful your day has been or how bleak life may seem, that person behind the counter in no way deserves your anger or attitude. A smile can go a long, long way. Trust me.
Those customers who simply smiled at me when I was doing my best to help them out made the entire situation that much easier and I always make sure to thank them a thousand times over because I want them to know that I genuinely appreciate it.
That kindness went a long way with me so, pass on a smile the next time you are shopping to that person in the uniform. That smile will shine brightly.