Growing up in a household that was predominantly Republican and mostly patriarchal, this was a word that had a very distant meaning in my life. I knew it held a great importance but, how that importance was connected to myself, I did not know.
Feminism according to Webster's Dictionary is "the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes."
Do I believe in equality for the sexes? Of course, I do.
However, feminism has taken on a new meaning in our modern society and seems to hold a much greater weight than simply just the equality between a man and a woman socially, politically, and economically. As a person who is generally the opposite of outspoken when it comes to social issues, feminism has become something of an uncomfortable topic for me in my adult life because while I do agree with the general definition and ideals of the movement there are some who believe my loving chivalry go against everything the movement stands for.
This is where my discomfort lies.
I believe in the feminist movement and I one hundred percent back my female fighters, however, I believe that feminism can mean different things for different people. My definition of feminism may be quite different from another person. We have different circumstances, different lives, and different belief systems.
My way of living and view of the male population may offend some and some may take no offense in it. When I look at those incredibly strong women advocating and lobbying for our right to equality, I am filled with such a sense of pride. I am honored to witness this history unfolding.
I am so proud to see so many strong women advocating for our rights and making their voice heard. However, I am equally as proud of the ones who choose to play their roles in a different way or maybe even choose to simply watch everything unfold. We can all stand together and revolutionize this world while having different roles and different outlooks.
Whether you agree with me or what I am saying offends you, I hope we can all agree that we all have different circumstances and have all been viewing life from different angles that may cause my views and wants to differ from yours. There is always common ground and there is always a common goal that everyone can get behind.
I stand with my strong women and I respect them. Whether I do so from behind the scenes and out in the streets shouldn't matter. My tendency to avoid voicing my opinion shouldn't turn you against me nor should it cause you to believe I am against you.
I have my beliefs and you have yours. We can still stand together.