Everyone will make back to school list filled with things that are needs, but what about the awesome wants? It's alright to splurge every once in a while and get the things that your heart is telling you to buy!
1. A good pair of party shoes
The best party shoes are inexpensive, easy to clean and go with everything.
2. Quality sheets and mattress pad
I know it's easy to grab what is on sale but trust me you will want to invest in quality bedding! College is tiresome so when you're able to sleep you will want it to be good and comfy!
3. A great professional outfit
I promise you there will be at least one time you will need to look like a nice professional adult.
4. Relaxation Coloring Book
I know it sounds silly, but it's important to remain sane! And for my fiery readers, they have relaxation coloring books with curse words!
5. An eye mask
Just because your roommate is awake doesn't mean you have to be!