A love letter to summertime | The Odyssey Online
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A love letter to summertime

The love that never ends, and overwhelms our souls.

A love letter to summertime

Dear Summer,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are a blessing to all of us. We await your arrival as soon as Christmas passes. Do you even know all the memories you help make? Some are bad, but mostly good. You make us want to stay up all night till the sun rises. You create a sun that is warmer than other suns. We bask all day long trying to take in as much of you as possible. Even though you are only with us a few months out of the year; we cherish our time with you. Something about you just automatically puts me in a good mood. It is as if your presence is all we need to cheer us up. The best part of you is when the days are ending and nights are beginning. Your pink, red, orange, and purple coming together like no other. You always have a canvas of elaborate colors, never the same, but always beautiful. Thank you for making our days longer and nights shorter. You give us more time to do what we enjoy. We stick our toes in the sand, roast marshmallows to make s'mores, and of course pretend we live in water. I love you, even though your chlorine-filled pools turn my hair an odd shade of green. What I enjoy most of all, is the way you turn a normal song into a magical feeling. We would be lost without your freedom and fun. We honestly take you for granted and I am so sorry. You give us so much that we don't even realize: new friendships, camp, lake days, tan lines, and snow cones always. Our fashion choices might not always be the best, but hey we are trying here. Thank you for allowing us to sleep in but keeping the fun waiting. We get so lost in you we don't know what day it is. Until the day we all come together to celebrate our beloved country. On July 4th we swim and eat till we can't anymore. Then when our energy is revived we all go outside and look at the sky. The excitement of waiting for the firework to burst, then trickle down. The sparkle in our eyes, you never cease to amaze us. Everything is better with you, concerts are louder and roller coasters are faster. Then, our roller coaster begins to roll down and we realize school is about to start. During our final days with you we begin to grieve you. We think about the wonderful memories you gave us once again. We are in shock of how fast you went by. Then we are happy, because we know we can look forward to you next year. God truly blessed us with you. Please never change. Love, Us kids <3

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