Paige Thobe
A little girl in a pink dress
The sprinklers running on
Maybe my love for water
Started there in our lawn
Paige Thobe
Wearing a blue and green life jacket
Sunglasses on my head
My love for water
May have started there instead
Paige Thobe
Or maybe it started with a bath
Jared and I splashing around
In this simple place,
My love may have been found
Paige Thobe
Or maybe it was at the ocean
Playing there in the sand
Who knew I'd like water
Better than land
Paige Thobe
My love only grew
The first time at the lake
Taking me there
May have been a mistake
Paige Thobe
Water has made me a bit crazy
And driven me to be wild
I've jumped off cliffs and bridges
Ever since I was a child
Paige Thobe
Water drove me to swim
Summer days I spent at the pool
I swam the days away
Never running out of fuel
Paige Thobe
Our family has been brought together
And it all started with a boat
Five of us on the water,
Just staying afloat
Paige Thobe
There's so much grandpa knows
And so much he's taught me
One of my first lessons from him
Learning to ski
Paige Thobe
Teammates at the pool
All laughing as we swam
Simple memories like this
Make up who I am
Paige Thobe
and it will always be
Water makes me happy
Water lets me feel free