Dear you,
I'm writing this letter for you to read when you need it, whenever that may be. Sometimes life is tough, but no one ever said it was easy.
You are amazing, whether or not you believe it.
You are unique, nobody in this world is better at being you than you are.
You are beautiful, inside and out. Beauty can come from looks sure, but it can also come from your soul, or your heart, or your personality. Everyone has something that makes them beautiful and it's not always easy to see what makes you beautiful but every person you meet can see it.
You are important. Nobody is ever told this as often as they should be. You are just as important as anyone and everyone else, and anyone that tells you different is wrong.
You are worth it. It is so easy to feel worthless and you don't deserve to be here and like you're not worthy of love or anything good. But, I can promise, you are worth every ounce of time and attention and love and support that people give you.
You are not alone. Sometimes it is way easier than not to feel like you have nobody in this world and that you're alone, even when surrounded by people. But, there are people here for you, and here to love you and take care of you. Maybe you haven't found these people yet, but they're out there.
You are loved. I love you.
You are strong. Just think about this for a second, you've made it through your life for however many years and months and days and hours and minutes and seconds to right now. If that's not strength, I don't know what is.
You are good enough. You are good enough because you are yourself and nobody else is you. You are good enough because you learn from your mistakes; we all make mistakes and that's okay because it allows us to learn from them. You are good enough because you've made it this far in life. You are good enough because you know, even if it's deep, deep, deep down, that you are going to get through life and whatever obstacles it throws your way.
You are going to be okay. This cloud won't be here forever. Rain goes away, and then the sun comes out. Pain, sadness, fear, and everything bad, will go away, and you'll be okay. You will get through this just as you have gotten through every other challenge in your life.
You are cared about. I care about you.
You are going be happy again. It may take a couple minutes, a few hours, a few months, a year, or longer, but you will be happy again. Don't give up on being happy no matter how long it takes or how hard it may be. You deserve to be happy and at some point, you will be again.
You are not other's opinions of you. You are your own person, and you do what you do for reasons that you want. You are the person that you choose to be.
You can change your life. You make choices everyday, and those choices help to shape you and your life. If something isn't how you want it to be, do something about it. Nothing is ever going to get better if you don't choose to do something to change it.
You can do it. You can get out of bed this morning. You can get a good grade on that test. You can graduate from school. You can get a job. Whatever it is that you are going through right now, you can do it and get through it, because you are you and you can do anything you set your mind to.
You have right now. No day is ever guaranteed, but you have right now. You have this moment and this time right now to do what you want. You have right now to do something that makes you happy. You have right now to do something that you'd be proud of yourself for. You have right now to do something, so what are you waiting for?
You are not a failure. You make mistakes, I make mistakes, the person in front of you at the supermarket makes mistakes. Mistakes are what make us human. Just because we make mistakes does not mean we are a failure. Mistakes let us learn and without them, we wouldn't make it out of life alive.
You make me proud. You woke up this morning and you have gotten this far through life already and no matter what life has thrown at you, you've gotten through it, and I am forever proud of you.
And don't forget, life may be tough, but you're tougher.
A friend