There is a lot I've learned about the college school year, much of which I've learned by doing and living it. As a working college student especially, I've experienced the more stressful side of things as I know many other people have as well. My first year, I worked two jobs, one a pharmacy - 3 pharmacies actually and the other the campus health center. As stressful as that sounds, I managed well and was able to do well in my classes. I had an overall GPA of a 3.1, not too bad for a first year college kid. But during that time, I had my fair share of late nights, weight gain, feeling like I didn't have enough time for things like a social life, exercise, living a normal life. But there is nothing normal about college life.
You stay up late and never get enough sleep, you are usually always eating something that you shouldn't be, procrastinating by watching Netflix or going out with friends. It's a struggle of balancing time and there's a lot about it that the students would agree, most definitely stink. But no matter how much we complain about it, we all love the college school year for our own reasons. Our friends, the new ones we make and the relationships that develop, the events around campus, the clubs and things that a lot of people like.
This year, considering I transferred, I haven't been feeling as much like I did last year. I still have my late nights, time management struggles - with homework and writing my articles (sorry EIC's), stress, more-so now about working and paying rent and bills up front rather than living in a dorm that bills your financial aid directly. My schoolwork often makes me want to pull my hair out on a daily basis, yet still I procrastinate on occasion.
Even though I moved to a bigger university, living off campus makes it difficult to make friends, basically because you aren't forced to by getting stuck in a dorm with random people that eventually become your friends. I haven't made many new friends aside from the casual in-class friends that usually everyone makes during the school year, or at least I recommend it in case the situation comes in which you need help on a difficult assignment, or someone to send funny gifs to during a long, boring lecture.
I've struggled a lot this year not having as much of a support system here with me physically, also with the stress and other things, but the school year has to be one of my favorite times. Working hard during it pays off and eventually leads you where you want to go, so, I love you, school year.