When we first got you, I left school early just so I could have more time with you and honestly it was the best decision that I have ever made. You were this 9 pound 6 weeks old puppy with these crystal blue eyes and I fell in love with them the first that I saw them. I knew that you would have a special place in my heart.
I would sneak you into my bed to sleep with me and I would always get in the most trouble but, it was beyond worth it because I got sweet puppy loving and cuddles. When you were smaller you would come in and lay down and go right to sleep but, when you got older and bigger… that was a different story because you would try to play and sit on my face. I remember our sweet naps in the recliner and you would practically lay on top of me because you were so big.
As you got bigger you would jump on me and actually become 2-3 inches taller than me standing up. I remember every time I came home, I would walk through the door and you would jump up and give me kisses, I miss them the most now.
Every time you would get sick. you would always lay down and cuddle with me. You wouldn't try to rough house or play, you would just lay down and give me those cute puppy dog eyes. About a month after your first birthday, you got really bad sick and knew something was really wrong. We decided to take you to the vet and they said just had a bone stuck in your stomach but, you would pass it and you would be okay. They gave you medicine and told us if you didn't get better to bring you back the next day. So, we did.
We dropped you off and they decided to keep you overnight. That overnight stay turned into a week stay. They decided to do surgery and come to find out you ate a rag. You would normally eat socks, rags, and undergarment because we would find them in the yard. We would also have to chase you around the house to get stuff out of your mouth.
That rag that you ate was a different type of rag. It was a painter's rag that has paint thinner on it. While you were playing outside a couple of days before you got really sick. There were painters across the street and you wanted to make friends. While you were running around the neighbor's house, you found a rag and decided to eat it. You didn't know that it would make you sick.
I remember the day that I got the phone call telling me that you would never come home. It was the worst thing that someone could ever tell me. At that moment, I realized I would never get hugs and kisses from you when I walked into the house again or the cuddles and naps that we would share. I also wouldn't have you there eat food off the floor that I had dropped. Most of all I wouldn't be able to see your sweet face again.
I just wish I could have told you that I loved you one last time. You still have the biggest place in my heart and nothing will take the place.